Haitian Housekeeping from a Beach in South Florida!

Today I promised another post on Haitian graffiti artist, Jerry Rosembert Moise (if you missed yesterday’s post on graffiti, click here).  However, you street art enthusiasts are being put on the blog’s back burner, while I recover from a near all-nighter, waiting for election results that were not actually announced here in Haiti until this morning. 

As it stands, Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly will run off in the second round of presidential elections on 20 March.  This means the Haitian electoral council has followed the recommendation of the OAS (Organization of American States).  The OAS reviewed the results of November’s election and recommended that government-backed candidate Jude Celestin be disqualified because of fraud.  Ultimately members of the CEP (electoral council) were split 5-3 on whether or not to remove Celestine, deliberating all night, before finally announcing their decision just after 7:30 this morning EST. 

The good news–this should mean relative calm on Port-au-Prince streets.  In fact, there was a good bit of cheering this morning when the decision was finally broadcast.

For me personally, this means my long-weekend in South Florida should become a much-needed reality tomorrow morning.  As long as streets remain quiet and the airport stays open (it closed for several days following the last announcement), Sara and I will be sipping margaritas on the beach through Monday.

The ensuing drunkenness may mean no posts till Tuesday  (we’ll see) and my inability to officially pass along the “Memetastic Award” Clouded Marble cursed honored me with 2 days ago.  Sorry for this delay until next week, but in the meantime, you should visit her amazing blog and check out the other winners, who, I assume, will not be beaching it up in Miami this weekend, and may post something you’d enjoy reading in my absence.

In the meantime, check out my archive to catch up on posts you may have missed.  And enjoy the genuine genius always available on my blogroll.

That’s all the house-keeping this blog can handle for one  morning, but I will continue tidying from the sands of South Beach–a Kindle in one hand, a cool beverage in the other.

So toodles–I’ll be sipping  till Tuesday———–

21 thoughts on “Haitian Housekeeping from a Beach in South Florida!

  1. Kathy–
    enjoy your hiatus! Sounds like a nice time! Blessings and safe travels–
    p.s. a drunken post would be a hoot, though…just sayin’
    p.p.s nice to catch up a bit! missed you!
    p.p.p.s. can you change the blogroll link you have on your blog to the new one? it’s http://www.planejaner.com
    you’re a peach! Or…a daquiri…


  2. Haha you got the award! I read about it on Sunshine’s blog yesterday! Hope you get a peaceful, inebriated rest this weekend! If there are any posts made up of “fggggggggjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj” we will assume you had the best intention of posting during vacation, but took a margarita nap on the keyboard instead 🙂


  3. I’m so glad to hear the OAS’ recommendations were followed and the fraud was recognised. That’s great news, Kathy. Hope you have a wonderful break – look forward to hearing all about it!
    Sunshine xx


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