When Blogrolls Evolve into Friendships and Comments Morph into Hugs

I’ve done it twice now in less than two months—met my blogging buddies outside the virtual world of posts and comments and made writers from my blogroll into real-life, in-the-flesh friends.

In July Sara and I met Emily of “Hey from Japan” at Kentucky’s Third Street Stuff—an art-centric café and coffee shop in downtown Lexington.

Now we’ve met Lisa, who writes “Woman Wielding Words” at the same Lexington hot spot.

Lisa and Kathy at Third Street Stuff

Both Lisa and Emily have lived in Japan, and both have charmed my partner and me more than we thought possible.  But then that’s an understatement, as we now adore both bloggers, not just as writers, but as friends, as well.

We met Lisa, her husband Nathan, and delightful daughter Sarah—along with darling dogs Lizzy and Jasper—this past Friday.  Lisa and her family had been living in Kansas, where both she and husband Nathan were teaching at a local community college.

The family, in the midst of a cross-country move with a rented truck and all the books and puppeting materials a drama professor could ever want, had stopped in Lexington, where they have other family friends.  Our meeting was mid-move, as they drove to another teaching stint in Massachusetts and straight into the path of Hurricane Irene, as it barreled up the East Coast—a damp and potentially deadly welcome home to New England, where Lisa’s family lives.

We ate a lunch of curry chicken salad sandwiches at Third Street Stuff, before driving a block to my house, where we continued our visit.  I got to share our Haitian art with Lisa and enjoy the backyard, as the dogs played and sniffed, sniffed and played some more.

Kathy and Lisa's daughter Sarah in our back garden

Lisa’s handsome husband Nathan then drove us to Keeneland—an historic Lexington race track.  There, playing jockey with Lisa’s sweet daughter Sarah and enjoying a walk with her precious “pups” strengthened our connections and made me, at least, realize that friendships can evolve in unexpected and beautiful ways.

Sarah, Lisa, and Kathy jockey for position at Keeneland

But when we went to a nearby small town called Midway and ate ice cream together, when Lisa marketed my ornaments and art to a local gift shop and gallery owner, I said to myself (and Sara later) how’s that for friendship?  (Thanks, dear Lisa.)

Lisa, Nathan, and Sarah enjoy ice cream in Midway, Kentucky

Our day may have literally ended with a visit to the dog park so the puppies could play, but it was far from an ending, actually.  In fact, it marked the beginning of something new—a friendship that will last for years to come.

Clearly, community comes in many forms.  But blogging is beginning to build new connections for me—not only virtual ones—but flesh-and-blood bonds, as well—first with Emily, and now with Lisa and her family. 

It would seem, much to my delight, that writers from my blogroll are evolving into friends, and comments are morphing into hugs. 

Who wouldn’t want that to happen?

In what other ways can we make the blogosphere reach into the real world of walks with dogs and ice cream cones with new-found friends? 

When will you come to Kentucky?

(Please visit Lisa’s blog and read her post about our meeting, as well.  I suspect you’ll love Lisa, too.)

55 thoughts on “When Blogrolls Evolve into Friendships and Comments Morph into Hugs

  1. I have also met some of my blog friends. I met Pannini Girl in Lucca and an American sailor who writes Scene with a heart here in Brisbane and several readers here and there. I think it is great and a completely unexpected outcome from writing a blog.


  2. Pingback: Travels with Dogs, When Blogging Buddies Meet, Driving Toward Irene, and Happy Feet « Woman Wielding Words

      • Oh I love this! It’s so colourful and happy 🙂 I would love this to happen for me someday… It seems to be mostly real friends who read my blog, maybe I shouldn’t have shared the link haha I’m in Ireland and only blogging since January. Very open to blog friends! Beautiful post x


      • Great to meet you, Fiona. I have a friend who blogs from Ireland. Check out “Life Reconnected” on my blogroll. I’m so glad you stopped by and subscribed. I’ll drop by your blog and leave a link to my friend. I’m so pleased you liked my post. Thank you—————-


  3. Pingback: When Blogrolls Evolve into Friendships and Comments Morph into Hugs | The Daily Post at WordPress.com

  4. I love to see that blogging crosses generations as well! Youngsters, middle-aged, and geezers all seem to gravitate toward this medium and towards each other. I love it!


  5. Having bloggers turn into friends has absolutely been my experience, too. It’s amazing how literally! a completely random click of a mouse can evolve into something so deeply beautiful. Just one of the MANY ‘perks’ to blogging, and joining a community of (mostly) compassionate, sensitive souls. 🙂

    Stef, at http://smilekiddo.wordpress.com/


    • Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. I just visited your blog and so enjoyed your post about the children and the scooter. It’s amazing how seeing ourselves in the eyes of others can open us to bigger and better things–more beautiful versions of ourselves. Blogging does that, as well!


    • You might be surprized some day. Where do you live? I will have to check out your blog to find out. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! I hope you’ll come back again soon——————


  6. My son met his future WIFE on a site. Sounds so forbidden, but you make it sound so safe and wonderful. We truly love our new daughter-in-law, though, and feel so thankful for the means our son had to find her. Your experience just confirms ours! Well-said; great writing style!


    • Ah, Katharine, this is a wonderful story! How delightful that blogging could give you a daughter-in-law. This may be the best outcome possible. I totally love it. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. It waqs great having you!


    • How funny! Isn’t Lisa a wonderful person? I’m here to confirm that she’s just as precious in person, as she is via her blog! I’m so glad to have you stop by. I hope you’ll come back sometime soon——————————–


  7. I Agree with Sajib..i don’t know too many bloggers from my country…this is so much fun…i am envying the two of you a little now 😦 sorry about that…bless u guys, hope u guys develop a lasting bond for years to come!


    • It’s okay to feel envious. I think I might feel a bit lonely if I were the only blogger I knew in my country. Thanks for wishing our friendship well. And thanks also for reading and taking the time to the comment. By the way, where are you from? I will check out your blog for clues. Hope you’ll come back again soon!


      • I know just about 2 bloggers from India…none from Mumbai, though there seems to be 2 indians in the lot who live abroad 🙂 thanks for caring enough to actually look for friends for me 🙂 you’re like a blogging mommie! and i feel so silly and touched all at once 😀


  8. AH, I’m so happy for you! Meeting blog friends is an amazing experience. I’ve had the pleasure of connecting in person with a few of my blog buddies too. Just think, were it not for our writing, we’d miss out on these amazing friendships!


  9. This is awesome! I know when I actually met some blog friends, in person, this summer, it was a great experience! I had never met a single reader before that and now I want to make a point to meet as many as possible in the future! So….Don’t go rushing off to Katmandu before I get a chance to come through Kentucky! 🙂


    • You always make me laugh, Mark! Isn’t it wonderful? I’ll try to stay put for a little while longer, but Jackie is suggesting we all meet up in South Africa. She claims you’re too afraid of the creepy, crawly things, however! LOL


  10. I have not met any of my blogging friends – I think living in such an isolated place though makes things difficult. I think we should have a blogging meet -up out here in the African bush. That would be quite fun although Mark the Idiot is just too scared of the snakes and gorilla’s 🙂


  11. WONderful story! How incredibly cool that you guys met up! I think (if I ever made my way across the Pacific) I would go out of my way to visit you in Kentucky!
    I haven’t met any of my blogging buddies (yet!) though I have met a few people I got to know on Facebook, and it was simply great to get to know them in person too 🙂
    I think bloggers get insights into each others lives more intimately than people can actually do in real life, and it’s a great way to reach out and connect. Here’s hoping my virtual world spills over into reality some day.
    But for now, I’m just happy with what I have….my blogrolls ARE my friendships, and comments DO feel like hugs. 🙂 So thank you for being a part of my virtual world Kathy!


    • You are dear, Munira! It would be so fun to meet you, so if you ever make it the US, please come stay with us! Sara has spent a good amount of time in Pakistan when living in Afghanistan–and India, for that matter.

      Meeting both Lisa and Emily was wonderful. And meeting you would be equally wonderful!

      Hugs to you in the meantime——————


  12. Pingback: Yearning for a Front Porch « Woman Wielding Words

  13. Pingback: The Intimate Strangers of Blogland « A Mind Divided

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