And I Thought Haiti was a Scary Place: a Tale of Forensic Failure in Kentucky

Why is it that I ALWAYS seem to have the weirdest of weird experiences—the wackiest—the most ridiculous?  Tell me.  How is this possible! 

I know what follows may be hard to believe—but really—how could I make this stuff up?

Here’s how it all went down:

Two nights ago Sara and I had just returned home from a crazed day of shopping—what we always need to do just before returning to Haiti, where we often can’t buy the kinds of items pampered and “all-too-accustomed-to-comfort” Americans require to maintain sanity and goodwill.

It was around 7 o’clock in the evening.  I was in the bathroom—brushing my teeth, if you really must know.  I was minding my own floss-focused, dental-hygiene-driven business, when suddenly a loud crash interrupted my serious teeth-cleaning efforts.

Holy Sh_t! What in the name of battling tooth decay had just happened?

I grab my black boots, head out the front door and around the house to find—

A brand new black Cadillac had just plowed into the side of our house—back bumper smashed against the foundation of my none-too-sturdy, 100-year-old jewel in the crown of Victorian architecture.

I wasn’t pleased by this development—

But not wanting to create enemies of neighbors who had seemed to move in during our last 3 month stint in Haiti and would likely still be there during our next three-month stay abroad, I tried not to over-react.  It seems the driver of the black Cadillac was visiting these neighbors when he/she accelerated in reverse off the snow-covered driveway, getting up-close and personal with my foundation. (I say “he/she” because neither the man nor woman seemingly associated with the vehicle was willing to take responsibility for being behind the wheel.)

But—living in a country where people burn tires is the streets for sport, I took this all in stride—got what information I could, which was very little but ultimately included a name and phone number—not likely as it all turned out the real name or real number. 

The house did not seem seriously damaged, so I didn’t bother to call the police when these folks refused to share information regarding their auto insurance—

Late the following afternoon, however, when Sara and I had again returned from a day of home-from-Haiti errand-running—

Another crash—

Same vehicle—

This time a rear end collision with our fence—

I kid you not!

In less than 12 hours—10 and a half to be exact—these owners of the black Cadillac had managed to careen into our property, not once, but twice. 

I wondered how this could all be real.  Had I entered some kind of Cadillac-crazed twilight zone?  Had I found myself on a really bad episode of Candid Camera in which Allen Funt runs cars into the houses of home-for-the-holidays-Haiti-aid-workers—all in the name of good laughs and family fun?

No—this was real and I have the fuzzy photos to prove it—

Thank God I had the presence of mind to run outside, not only screaming, “What is wrong with you people?!”—but also carrying a camera to document, a paper and pen to take down license plate numbers, and a mobile phone to call police.

I may have been borderline hysterical, but I, sure as hell, wasn’t stupid—though the police when they FINALLY arrived an hour later—were indeed the most idiotic this side of sanity one could ever imagine.

Not only did I have to dial 911 three times to get these crime-fighters to respond—I had to explain to dispatchers why this was, indeed, an emergency.

“These people have run their vehicle into my house twice in less than eleven hours.  Something is very wrong here.  Far be it from me to suggest there might be drugs involved—but, at the very least, I don’t think you want these folks back out on the streets.  If they do this from the relative safety of a driveway, imagine what damage they might do on the open road.”

And the two officers who finally arrived on the scene were equally clueless.  The man asked me—

“So your fence was always like that?”—though it leaned at a 120 degree angle with a car rammed up against it.

“You’ve got to be joking—that can’t be a serious question.”

“Calm down, lady.  Was your fence always that way?”  OMG—he was serious!

To say that these folks from our local police department weren’t firing on all 6 cylinders would be an understatement of epic proportion. They didn’t seem to appreciate the urgency of the situation or wonder why in the name of all things crazy that can happen on the road, one would drive a brand new 40 thousand dollar vehicle with NO auto insurance, if to protect themselves from all of the other crazy drivers on the road, if nothing else? 

They told the woman who seemed to be the owner of the car that they weren’t there to take sides or “get anyone into trouble.”  They were simply there “to file a report.”

Ultimately, the police did issue a citation for “not carrying proof of insurance”—an issue they assured the car owner “could be cleared up if they took proof of coverage to City Hall tomorrow.”

No sobriety testing—only a flimsy assertion that the officer “hoped” the driver had not been “drinking and driving.”

Okay then—if this blundering comedy of errors was detective work at its best, I’d hate to see second best—or god forbid—out and out forensic failure.

And it’s with this forensic failure that the story ends.

Anti-climactic—I know—but really that’s the crazy-making reality of how it all played out.  The police did nothing to deter or, god forbid, prevent these Cadillac-driving, fence-toppling Kentuckians from heading back out onto the road to wreak havoc on the highways of our state.

And I thought Haiti was a scary place!

15 thoughts on “And I Thought Haiti was a Scary Place: a Tale of Forensic Failure in Kentucky

  1. What is it the Romans would say “Distance makes the heart grow fonder.”…sounds like you’ve forgotten how strange America can be…hope your new years eve is uneventful…well at least without any black Cadillacs. 🙂


  2. Wow!
    they sound like wonderful folks, those Cadillac-drivers!

    Be safe out there–and in Haiti, too!
    (and thanks for the rant!)


  3. This is beyond strange. I’m trying to get some kind of cosmic message from this, but the best I can come up with is it’s a good thing you are going back to Haiti. Also, I have been signed up to receive your posts for a long time now, but for some reason I don’t get them. Think those Cadillac folks have something to do with this?


    • Wow–I have no idea why you wouldn’t be getting them! Did you sign up for email notification or RSS feed? Let’s see if anyone else might be having this problem. I’ll ask. I may have my RSS set up incorrectly–I’m really stupid about these things. So stupid about identifying automobiles, for example, that I just got a Facebook message from a former student that the car is not a Cadillac but a Chrysler 300. Yikes!


    • I’ve been having the same trouble getting posts, Renée…I think WordPress is having issues! I’m catching up with at least a dozen posts I missed by visiting them directly from the WordPress subscription management page…

      Kathy: I’m so sorry your vacation has been marred by these numbnuts…I hope the police get their act in gear and start doing a little law enforcement before the crazies hurt somebody!



      • Interesting–I have noticed a couple of people who have read my blog daily for months not reading in the last week. I suspected it had something to do with the holidays–which it might–but maybe I should check to be sure. I appreicate your taking the time to respond to this issue.

        Thanks, Wendy–it’s been strange but at least it provided an obvious thing to write about! I do worry though about something more serious happening to someone else.


  4. Okay–I’m obviously more ignorant than I’d like to admit–but one of my former students just sent me a Facebook message to let me know the car was NOT a Cadillac but a Chrysler 300! I know this kid well enough to know, he’s probably correct and I’m propbably wrong. Sorry. I’m embarrassed!


  5. Glad to hear that your house survived both attempts on its “life”!

    A similar thing happened to our neighbours. The driver of a car speeding down our road, lost control and after hitting our pavement spun into the wall of our neighbour across the road, knocking down the solid brick wall. He didn’t have the excuse of snow and ice though. The police thankfully arrived within minutes, before all the whole neigbourhood in their pajamas could stumble outside to see what was going on. The police didn’t ask whether the wall had always been like that though, and they didn’t give the driver the opportunity to bash the same property twice in the same day.

    Okay, maybe NOT the same situation as yours . . .Just always wanted to tell that story to somebody who would believe it! 😉


  6. What a bizarre story, Kathy! The Chrysler owners obviously had something to hide … and the attitude of the police is quite hysterical! Tiger Woods didn’t have it so easy when he did something similar! 🙂
    Sunshine xx


    • Ah–I had forgotten about the Tiger Woods incident! And, yes, it was beyond bizarre– Stranger than strange! Glad you’re safe in London away from maniac drivers in Kentucky. Though it looks, from Lisa’s comment, like you have even more serious issues in South Africa–makes mine look mild by comparison.


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