A Weekend Away from Post-a-Day

Over the weekend Sara and I have been busy hosting Easter dinners for each of our families.  Sara roasted a leg of lamb with ginger carrots.  I decorated our house for the holiday. 

Here are a few photographic highlights of my weekend away from the blogosphere:

our library ready for Easter hors devours

living room set up for egg hunt
I hand-painted eggs for the occasion.
table set for Easter dinner

 What was the highlight of your holiday weekend?

31 thoughts on “A Weekend Away from Post-a-Day

  1. I’ll just take the seat on the right thanks! It looks absolutely gorgeous. My highlight was a phone call from my son in New York – he sounded like he was in the next room. Ah, technology!


  2. Wow, I love that hand-painted egg. How many of those did you make? I was shocked to learn that kids don’t decorate real eggs here in SA – Easter egg hunts are done with chocolate eggs (boring).


    • I’m going to guess we did about 2 dozen. However, many weren’t nearly as elaborate. Some, like the one in the header photo, were only used as name “cards” at the table. And on those Sara built up the base coat and I added the names. For the egg hunt I wrote messages on each egg, like “Hug grandma,” as well as an amount of money my nephew earned for each egg he found. So, one worth 50 cents said “Hug Aunt Sara,” for example.


  3. Your home is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colors. My highlight was watching Sarah’s fingers stain as she created “minions” out of the eggs at a friends house. Minions are the little creatures from the movie DESPICABLE ME.


    • Actually, Martha was my twin sister’s name (idenical twins born very premature, my sister only lived a few days), so maybe it’s her life I’m living now and not the Martha’s I know you’re thinking about, Tori! I’m sure your crafts are equally egg-cellent!


  4. Do you have room for one more? That menu sounds a trifle better than my mother-in-laws turkey dinner, with cranberry sauce straight out of the can. Arg. What a charming and cozy abode you have!


  5. Wow– your home is amazing!! We spent the weekend STEAMROLLED by work. It was the first long weekend of the Harbour season, so there were a few 11-hour days spent down by the water. Just recovering now– thank goodness there’s rain today! 😉


    • Wow, Dana, that’s a long day! We’ve had nearly non-stop rain here for days, and it’s not supposed to stop anytime soon.

      Glad you like the house. It’s awfully nice to home in it for an extended period of time!

      Blog returns to issues of mental health tomorrow.


  6. Uh, I think the highlight of my weekend was reading your post! And are you accepting mail orders of your gorgeous painted eggs? Lol, just kidding. Sort of. 😉

    I’m glad you and Sara were able to entertain the “whole famn damily” (as my in-laws are wont to say). Also, I have to say that I just utterly adore your decorating tastes–you two are interior decorating geniuses. My first thought at looking at the photos was, “Oh my word, they are so grown-up!” I want a grown-up house! Your home is just lovely! 🙂 (I think I’m basically just going to hire you both when Robert and I buy our first home and let you two decorate according to your whims. We’ll be happy with literally anything. ;))


  7. Kathy, you have such a BEAUTIFUL home! I’m sure your guests all felt a sense of warmth and welcome. Your eggs are beautiful too. Much more so than the ones my kids dunked in food coloring and vinegar 😉


  8. Hand-painted eggs! Hollow, I hope, so they could be saved and treasured? We had a quiet, more frugal than usual Easter, but rich with family, friends, and love.


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