Gallery Day: Gone Graphic Galore

If all went according to plan, it should be Sunday and I should have arrived in Haiti last night.   So, in honor of that arrival, I’ll share some graphic drawings done over the last decade, some more recent than others.  I’m wanting to upload this art before I leave the US and schedule these pieces to post during my travel and transition.  You’ll see, I have a thing for “eyes.”  Hope you enjoy!

13 thoughts on “Gallery Day: Gone Graphic Galore

    • Thanks. You deserve something while I’m on the road–especially you, Lisa–such a great reader, my friend! I wonder what it is about the second one you like best. Is it something you can articulate or just a gut reaction? I really am fascinated by who likes what! Glad you like it, Lisa.

      By the way–I have arrived safely!!!!!!!!!!


      • I don’t know, I didn’t think about it when I picked it. Looking at it now, I’d just say I probably liked it because it’s a very “strong” eye. More than the other two the eye really grabs your attention.

        You must check out what’s been happening over on my site while you’ve been travelling! 🙂


  1. Okay this sounds funny….but I love the third eye…something about an eye within and eye, etc….that really struck me….love your artwork…glad you got back home safely.


    • Thanks, Charles. It was actually a comment of yours that made me realiize I needed to get this stuff posted–so thanks! Interesting–cause several people have really responded to the third one. You are in good company!


  2. Love these, Kathy…I think pen and ink is my favourite art medium (to look at…I don’t do art!). My favourite is also the third one, because of the symmetry.

    Glad you made it back to Haiti!



  3. ooh–
    Kathy–I am drawn in, mesmerized, hypnotized by that third eye (and, was it 3rd…so that we’d say “third eye”?)
    something about the swirling, the movement…the depth of it…I want to fall in, and find myself.


    • This is an amazing comment–thank you, Jane! I love the notion of falling into it and finding yourself–such a lovely thought. Actually, I didn’t think about puttiing it third, as in the “third eye”–wish I had though. You are so intuitive!


  4. These are beautiful! My personal favorite is the third one because it’s just so pretty and reveals more the more I look at it. Like, for instance, I didn’t even notice the eye within the pupil the first time I glanced at it, but when I looked at it closer, I was absolutely captivated by it! Thanks for sharing these! 🙂


    • So glad you enjoyed this. Several folks have responeded to the eye-within-the-eye image of the years. Thanks for sharing your observations–I’m tickled that you like my work–feel like a kid, “Oh boy, of boy–I did good!”


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