Blogging: The Christmas Gift that Keeps on Giving

I tend to be a play-by-the-rules kind of gal.  Yes, I’ve lived in off-the-beaten-path, God-forsaken locations, but generally I’m not much of a risk-taker.  I play by the book for most of the year.

However, during this holiday season, even this semi-straight-laced, borderline-buttoned-up blogger knows when a bit of recreational rule breaking and bloggerly gift-giving are in order.

And if ever there was a time—that time in now.  It’s getting close to Christmas, after all.

Plus, in the past week, I’ve been the reluctant proud recipient of not one, not two, but three of those blogging awards we all despise adore—each of which come with their own onerous perfectly reasonable set of rules for acceptance and passage to other suckers worthy recipients.

We all know no writing Santa worth her Christmas cookies could possibly follow three separate sets of guidelines and still manage to pass along these lovely gifts in time for a fast-approaching holiday—

—So, I’m throwing caution to the whirlwind that is Christmas, thanking my fellow elves for their gifts, and using this opportunity to, instead, update my blogroll, restock my sleigh, and mention some brilliant blogs you simply must explore. 

It’s in this spirit of blogger lawlessness and Christmas cheer, that I thank Debra of “Bagni di Lucca and Beyond,” Miranda of “Scatteringmoments,” and Laurel of “Rockin’ the Purple” for the following fine prizes:  the “Reader Appreciation Award,” the “Liebster Blog Award,” and the “Kreative Blogger Award” (respectively).

And it’s in that same spirit of holiday giving that I highlight some blogs I’ve come to love—blogs that just might belong in your Christmas stocking, as well.

(If your site is listed below, would you mind describing your blog in the comments, and if you were not already on my blogroll or don’t find yourself highlighted here, please let me know, so I can add you.  I worried I’m going to inadvertently omit somebody.)

6 Months to Live

A Mandala a Day

A Monster in your Closet

Among the Crystals, Dragons, and Fae

Bagni di Lucca and Beyond

Based on a True Story



Christine M. Grote

Inspired Vision

Jacquelin Cangro

Lake Superior Spirit

Lame Adventures

Photo by Holly

Rockin’ the Purple


Silver Fin of Hope

six degrees of separation

Stupid Ugly Foreigner

The Good Greatsby

The Slowvelder

The Serenity Game

The Writer Says

Third Eye Mom

Let me take this opportunity to thank each of you for your friendship, for so faithfully reading what I write,  and for maintaining blogs that make my desk a more festive place this holiday season—blogs I’m honored to enjoy and want to share.

 I hope you will give the blogs above the gift of your subscription this Christmas.  They’re free.  They’re fun.  And they are truly gifts that keep on giving.

 God bless your blogging, everyone!

50 thoughts on “Blogging: The Christmas Gift that Keeps on Giving

  1. Marry Christmas, Kathy! What a wonderful holiday gift, the gift of people’s stories.

    This post made me think of your beautiful ornaments. Have you sold any yet?

    ❤ Lisa


  2. You’re a rebel! I like that in a person!

    Kathy, your post, sharing the wealth, is what I’ve been thinking about. Truly, those blog awards should remind us to share! And it ain’t just about Christmas! It’s an easy way to pass on the happiness, which can only be could for our troubled world.

    I get so much from being here in blog-world, something I never expected, because I started my blog to have a consistent place to go to write so my head doesn’t explode! Never occurred to me that anyone would READ my essays! >:-D


  3. Kathy – I love discovering a blogging treasure and I’ve found a few through the year by participating in a blog hop for the first time ever – apparently they’re addictive, more followed. Thanks for giving me another list to work my way through. I’m looking forward to a weekend of discovery. Thanks!


    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Ryshia. It was great to have you visit, and I’m delighted you will take a look at the blogs my friends have created. They are well-worth your time, I think. I hope you will come back soon————–


  4. Way to kill three birds with one blog post! 🙂
    This really is a great way to thank those who awarded you and to highlight the blogs you enjoy reading. Thank you for sharing your reading list with us. I’m always looking for another good read!


  5. I’m thrilled to be included in your blogroll! Thanks so much!
    And you’ve just introduced me to several new bloggers whom I can’t wait to get to know more about. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. 🙂


  6. Yay! What an awesome Christmas gift! Blogging has become more of an adventure than I gave it credit for when I started. I’ve met so many funny people, and people like you, who touch my heart. Your post yesterday about Kimmy brought tears to my eyes. I love your blog so.


  7. Thank you for including Bagni di Lucca and Beyond on your blogroll. I hope I can live up to expectations. The blog is about our gorgeous village in Italy and our travels between there and Brisbane, Australia.


  8. Thanks for adding Lame Adventures to your blogroll Santa Kathy. My blog is about my own tales of Manhattan, essentially goofball antics set in the city that never sleeps. From what readers have told me it is a reliable source of brainless workplace escape.


  9. Kathy, you are too sweet! Thanks for the mention. 🙂

    Not sure exact;y how to describe my blog other than it’s full of random stuff that’s rattling around in my brain. Lots of tidbits dealing with what’s gong on and as I think of them, I’m sharing some things I’ve learned working with crystals, herbs, and energy in general.


  10. Thank you, Kathy!! What a wonderful blogging Christmas present you’ve passed on. How cool!

    My blog–Lake Superior Spirit–is about living in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, in a little House in the Big Woods. (I read too much Laura Ingalls Wilder as a child. In fact I read some of the books again last month.) It’s got a little bit of everything and can go off in photography directions or turn backwards and write a memoir of older days, thanks to this here blog. **grin**


      • Oh, Kathy, I find it totally exhausting. I don’t know that anything has ever exhausted me more, in fact. That’s something about this process I had forgotten to share. But, gosh, I loved the piece you posted today. I just loved it!


  11. Thank you so much for including me here! I take forever to get around to reading, but I do eventually get there. Most the time. (Sometimes I get so far behind, I have to start with a clean slate!)

    My blog is about how most of the monsters in our closets would be happy to leave (or join us for coffee) if we’d just open the door and face ’em. 🙂


    • Oh, Deb, let’s face it. It’s just not possible to read everything. I have more often than I’d like just had to start over and miss some posts. It happens when you follow a lot of blogs.

      I’m honored to have you on my blogroll, though–truly honored!


  12. Thank you, Kathy, I feel honored.
    Sorry I’m running behind. I wasn’t able to keep up after my surgery. I’m going to have to do some skipping and hopping to catch up. Glad I didn’t skip this one.

    I have multiple identities on the web, but use my married name, Christine M Grote on my blog (that I really started by calling it Random Thoughts from Midlife, which is actually still the URL). You might find me commenting as CMSmith, which is my maiden name. My Twitter name adds the number 57, which is my birth year, but which I think people may believe is my age. As I soon will be 57 in a matter of years, I don’t worry about it too much. Eventually it will be to my advantage.

    I self-published a memoir called Dancing in Heaven about the life and death of my severely disabled sister. She filled our lives with light. I blog about my indie experience.

    I also blog about my father who has Alzheimer’s, and whatever else may occupy my mind when I awake in the morning, for I am in the middle of my life and I believe these years deserve to not only be recognized, but celebrated.


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