Wingtipped Tomorrows and the Road to “Ah”

Today is a holiday in the US–an occasion for taking time off from work and responsibility and spending it instead with friends and family.

This weekend, my partner Sara and I have been doing just that–celebrating my nephew’s high school graduation, attending a retirement party, and hiding inside from record-breaking heat.  We’ve tried to work less online and focus more on the moment–on the here and now.

For me specifically that has meant a weekend away from the blogosphere,  a simple post today, and an opportunity to share a few of my favorite photos Sara has taken in recent weeks.

She took the first group of photos on Saturday, as our family enjoyed  Johnny’s graduation, his stepping into the future, tipping his wings in the direction of his dreams.

(Click images to enlarge.)

Johnny with his mom (my sister Lynn) and dad outside Rupp Arena–


Diploma pride–


The assemblage I created and framed for Johnny–

Johnny’s wingtip–

The photo below Sara says reminds her to truly look at life with a careful eye–reminds her how seeing the delicate details allows her to focus on what matters most.

Look— (4 May 2012)

Sara posted the next image on her birthday.  It’s based on a collage I created about her obsession with the number 5.  Sara was born on the 5th day of the 5th month.


Fixed on Five— (5 May 2012)

Sara says the following photo is about her having lost perspective by doing too much and not being in the moment, about how photography allows her to slow down and focus–to put the particulars into perspective.

magnifying glass

Magnify by Fifty— (9 May 2012)

This photo from last week is a close-up of the daylilies blooming in our back garden.  Sara shares it along with an Annie Dillard quote: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

day liliy

Day— (27 May 2012)

The final image is one that was ‘Spotlighted” on the BlipFoto equivalent of Freshly Pressed.  The black walnut tree, featured in the photo, towers over our back yard, a reminder of constancy and strength, a reminder that trees can be nature’s road to God.  Sara posted it along with a quote from Joseph Campbell–“God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying “Ah!”


Road to “Ah” — (20 May 2012)

I hope you will visit my partner Sara’s BlipFoto site,”Que Sera Sara,” and if you’re in the US, have a happy (and cool) Memorial Day.  I’ll be back reading blogs again tomorrow.  Sorry to have missed your wonderful words this weekend.

How do you “tip your wings” toward tomorrow?  What is your road to “Ah?”

Note:  If you haven’t read the revised version of my memoir’s first chapter and want to check it out, click hereThe book’s working title is “Kids Make the Best Bookies“–about growing up in an organized crime family.

74 thoughts on “Wingtipped Tomorrows and the Road to “Ah”

  1. “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

    Just adore this line – that’s why I changed my days so drastically and live as I do now.
    You must be so proud of Sara and her photos – they are so lovely.

    Your number five collage is awesome!


  2. What a wonderful glimpse into your weekend and your world as seen through Sara’s lens! Awesome photos, but they you know that already!!! 🙂 I have been very slack on BlipFoto–it was just one more thing that I was trying to do unsuccessfully!!! Have a wonderful Memorial Day and enjoy each other!


  3. Congrats to your nephew! Loved every single photo, gorgeous.
    I am also determined to spend more time in the ‘here and now’ this week. My kids are almost done with school and it’s hectic. I want to spend all my time with them. No blogging for me for one whole week, let’s hope I can do it! Enjoy your week, Kathy!


    • Good for you, Darla. It’s hard for me to pull myself away from the blogosphere. Even if I’m not posting, I’m reading and commenting. Sometimes we all need a break. Hope you succeed this week, and enjoy your kids. Hope you can relish each sweet moment you spend with them. Thanks for stopping by. Great to hear from you today! Happy week!


  4. Not only did I thoroughly enjoy the photographs, I especially resonated with this statement:

    “Sara says reminds her to truly look at life with a careful eye–reminds her how seeing the delicate details allows her to focus on what matters most.”


  5. Isn’t your nephew the most dapper high school graduate with his vest and wing tips? Congrats and best of luck to him.

    Please tell Sara I love her photo of the tree (and of course the quote from Joseph Campbell of whom I’m a big fan). Such a unique perspective looking up into the leafy canopy and heavens above.


    • Yeah, I’m a big fan of Campbell, as well–and I love the perspective of that photo. But Johnny was known for wearing a tie and jacket every day to high school. It was his signature look. He’s a really bright and talented kid–plays the guitar, writes, and is funny, as hell. I’m terribly proud of him–in case you hadn’t guessed.


  6. “… a reminder that trees can be nature’s road to God.” Yes they can. I can see why that photo was featured as all of the ones included were enjoyable. Best wishes to your nephew as he heads out into this big, wide world!



    • Ah, thanks, Jamie. I think she’s pretty damn good, but I can’t trust myself to be objective. I can’t be objective about Johnny either. I think he’s darling. Thanks so much! Happy Memorial Day!


  7. kathy,

    I came back to respond, maybe again because I have to sign in to workpress, and I always forget my password. LOL!

    The wise wisdom of Sara, using the camera to slow down and be in the moment. That is good.

    Loved the photographs, love your art work, creative and imaginative! Enjoy your time!


    • I know what you mean about the passwords–hard to remember them all. I have the same issue with pin numbers. So happy to hear you enjoyed Sara’s photos and my art. You should be a great judge of the photography. I don’t know anything about it. Just know what I like. Great to hear from you today, Jeff. Happy Memorial Day!


  8. I related to the photos and the words. My nephew (just 18) graduated from h.s. this weekend, and my niece from college. A lot of celebrations for these wonderful events. And yet, like the Dillard quote you use, what’s most important with these kids is what they do with their days ahead, in their new endeavors. “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” Here’s to sweet, productive, giving days ahead….


    • You know, I hadn’t thought about that quote in relation to my nephew, but how right you are! As your own post said, it’s hard to be young. Congrats to the young graduates in your life.

      Thanks so much for stoppng by today. Hope to see you again soon. Happy Memorial Day!


  9. Lovely photos all. Sara has a very good eye. My niece graduates high school next month. It seems to my sister and I that she was born a week ago and now she’s on the verge of entering college. Time is compressing as we grow older and fatter.


  10. What ahandsome nephew!!!! Congrats to him! Congrats to Sara too for having a photo spotlighted! What a boost to the self esteem that must have been, as you well know my twice pressed Sista! Enjoy your time among those you love this weekend. There is no greater joy. Hugs! P. S. The collage for your nephew ROCKS!


    • Glad you think Johnny is cute. I think he’s a sweetie, but I may be a bit biased. And you’re right, Sara was excited to be “Spotlighted.” She needed something good. She deserved it. I was thrilled for her. Thanks so much for reading, Sista, and happy Memorial Day to you all!


  11. Living in the moment is so hard, with everything we have pulling at us. Simply looking at Sara’s photos could force me to feel more peaceful. What lovely images, especially of the flowers and the towering tree.

    Most days of the week, I take a long walk. I leave my phone at home, and I don’t plug my ears with music. I try to walk and just let my mind wander. It’s great for scrubbing my mind and helping me deal with whatever I have on my plate.

    Congratulations to your nephew!


    • Your walks sound wonderful, Andra. I work out at home, but when I walk, I love to let my mind wander. Sounds like you havve a great system. So glad you enjoyed Sara’s photos. Great to hear from you today. Happy Memorial Day, my friend!


  12. Beautiful post! What a handsome young man, and the photos are gorgeous! The last one of the black walnut tree made me feel as if I were standing beneath it feeling the slight coolness from the shade. Thanks for the sense of calm these photos instilled.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


    • I know what you mean about the last photo. I was blown away by it, but like I’ve said to others, I can’t trust my judgement. Objective, I’m not. And can’t be about Johnny either. I hope he gets to see these commments. Happy Memorial Day, Wendy. Hope you get to spend it with your husband.


  13. Great photos, as usual. I love Sara’s BlipFoto site and have considered posting pics there myself. I have a Flickr account but rarely use it anymore.

    Hope you are surviving the record heat – I probably shouldn’t tell you how I’m sitting next to the open sliding glass door right now and shivering from the cold. What can I say? Memorial Day in the PNW is rarely summerlike!


    • Wait–you’re shivering? Gosh, I’m jealous! It’s so god-awful hot here I can hardly stand it. At any rate, so happy to hear you like Sara’s site! Thanks. Great to hear from you today. Hope you’re having a wonderful, if chilly, holiday.


  14. You had me at Wingtipped Tomorrows! A fantastic title. And huge congratulations to Sarah for her achievement (but mostly for simply capturing that gorgeous image – that’s a framer if I ever saw one)!


    • So happy to hear you liked the title. I was afraid that wingtipped tomorrows might be a bit over the top—so, cool! I also have to agree that Sara’s photo is pretty awesome! Thanks! Great to hear from you today, Deanna!


  15. Kathy, don’t you think that Sara’s photos are getting better and better every day? I do! Every day, when I visit her on blip, I’m amazed at the perspective she has on her world. She has spoken of enjoying living in the present moment, and enjoying her garden, and wow, it’s really coming across in the photos she is taking. (By the way, you didn’t include the garden gate here, the one you gave her. That was one of my favourite blips of Sara’s.)

    Billy looks like a very “together” young man, as if he knows where he’s going and how he intends getting there. You and Sara both speak so highly of him, like the two proud aunts you are. It’s beautiful. 🙂


    • I agree, Joanne, that they are getting better. She seems to learn and improve quite quickly. I didn’t include the gate photo, as it is not one of my favorites. I don’t know if that’s because I painted it or not. But you’re in better company than me. Lots of folks responded to it.

      I so hope my nephew reads these comments. You know how kids that age don’t like to have a fuss made over them. I suspect he will appreciate it more down the road. Great to hear from you today, Joanne! Hugs to you———


  16. Great pics Sara ! And Kathy I love your collages they are awesome, I’m into that type of art myself and altered books etc .. from memory your studio looks like my dream come true .. ahh one day I will have one .. Love looking at your artwork cant wait for more ! Xx


  17. What gorgeous photos! Your Sara is quite talented. I am in awe, especially of the one of the tree. Ah is right. My best to your nephew and your family. He’s quite handsome, a la Rob Lowe. So glad you all had a good weekend. Tomorrow it’s back to the grind. 😉


    • Yeah–the grind–yuck! Love your comparing Johnnny to Rob Lowe. Can’t wait to tell him that! Glad also that you enjoy the photos. I think Sara’s getting better and better. Hope you have a good week, my friend!


  18. Congratulations to your nephew! It sounds like it was a wonderful weekend, even with the ridiculous heat. Sara’s photos are wonderful. I’ve been following her blips and watching her photography blossom. 🙂


  19. What a very lovely post, Kathy! So many interesting parts of it. Your nephew looks like an interesting person, as does your sister and her husband. And Sara’s photos are really taking off! Tell her I love how her eye/camera is capturing incredible images. The flower, the upward tree, they’re all spectacular. Being here & now in the moment is maybe the greatest thing we can do. Glad you took some time off…and then came back and reported it in a new moment. 🙂


    • Yeah, we all need time off, don’t we? I spend way too much time reading other people’s blogs. So happy also to hear you are enjoying Sara’s photos. I am, as well. Happy weekend, my friend!


  20. I love the photos. Thanks for sharing them. I especially like the wingtip shoes and the rose. Although your collage and Sara’s “Losing Focus” are both excellent. You’re both so artistically talented. I’m envious.


  21. Love Sara’s pics! And what a handsome nephew you have, Kathryn! His beautiful, intelligent face gives me hope for the future! I’ve enjoyed reading this, as I do all of your writings. Thank you. xo


    • Ah, thanks for taking a look, Julia. My nephew gives me hope for the future, as well. He’s a sweet boy. So glad you enjoyed Sara’s photos, as well. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend! Hugs to you——–


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