Bad Bed Seven: A Week on the Wrong Side

I’m a morning person, for the most part.  I tend to wake up perky—a double-fisted drinker–hot tea in one hand, Coke Zero in the other.

Breakfast is my favorite.  I especially like sweet, morning meals—pancakes, French toast, waffles.  There’s a lot to be said for un-iced strawberry Poptarts.  Okay, a WHOLE lot.

I’m most productive in the mornings, as well.  I like to write then and begin or end art projects before the sun rises.  Huddling in the half-light of predawn, I draw or scribble in notebooks–the smell of paperpencilpen pulling inspiration out of me.

This week, however, things have been otherwise.  I’ve woken on the wrong side of the bed—the grumpy side of my usually perfect Serta.

wrong side of the bed

(And if this image looks familiar, it’s been upcycled from a past post. Too tired to even take another picture.)

I’m turned around and upside-down. I’m pouty-lipped and furrowed brow, frowning my way to a “terrible, horrible, no good, very badWEEK, if I don’t watch it. (No, I will NOT be moving to Australia.)*

image via

I’m borderline miserable, but for no apparent reason. I’m pathetic, pure and simple. My neck is soar. My head aches. My mood is in the gutter.  (Maybe making and displaying so much art depletes a person.)

So, forgive this piss-poor, half-assed post (and wish poor Sara well).

Have you ever opened your eyes on the Sealy’s wrong side? Are you a morning or a nighttime person?

And please, for the love of blog gods, make your perky opinions know in the comments below.


I’m going back to bed————————–

(*If you have never read Judith Viorst’s children’s book “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day,”  I recommend it.)

111 thoughts on “Bad Bed Seven: A Week on the Wrong Side

  1. Love mornings, breakfast is my favorite meal (could eat it at any time of day and do) and when I wake up on the “wrong” side of the bed, it’s usually b/c something’s bugging me. My strategy? Get out into the sunshine, make a list of all I’m grateful for and let whatever’s picking at me bubble up to the top so I can face it head on.

    Sweet dreams


    • Oh, you’re so sweet, MJ. Writing always helps me, as well. However, it strikes me that the lack of sunshine early this week could have been part of my problem. Hadn’t thought of that. Great to hear from you this morning, my friend!


  2. I wonder if there is something in the air right now. I’ve been waking up on the wrong side of the bed as well, after disturbing dreams that make for restless nights. Yesterday, I accomplished next to nothing because all I wanted to do was go back to bed, but I couldn’t sleep.

    Here’s hoping (for Sara, Nathan, and Sarah’s sake) we get back on track soon.



    • Yes, yes, Lisa. I think it may be even worse for those who have to live with us. I’ve been spending a lot of time in bed, as well. I think it helped me yesterday to not let myself do that. I stayed incredibly busy–bathed the dogs, etc. But, gosh, when I feel that way, bed it where I want to be!


      • ya, its the quiet. In a house with young kids and tons of staff, the quiet is precious. also both those times are ‘my time’ no time table to follow, no pickup and drop times etc nowhere to reach, no errands. My thoughts flow more easily and unencumbered. but the lack of sleep takes a toll on the rest of the day. So i try to avoid it these days 🙂


      • When we lived in Haiti and Vietnam we had household staff, and it began to get to me. I enjoyed not having to do the laundry or dishes, but sometimes I wanted our housekeeper to just go away. Fortunately, she didn’t live with us, so, in Haiti, I used the maid’s quarters as a studio to escape to. Now that we’ve home in the US where we can’t afford the help–I’m wanting it pretty bad, again. We have a BIG house that is tons of work! Are we NEVER satisfied? Kind of sad, isn’t it? LOL


  3. lol. Hate our own bed. When we married 13 years ago, my husband is so fond of the biggest and the best so we got one of those horribly thick king mattresses, the kind sheets barely fit. On top of that, we were younger then maybe, but we both thought we preferred rock hard mattress. Since then I’ts even thicker, taller, pilled high with foam matting, pads etc. We live with it, but I’m used to rolling over all night as one side starts to get stiff and I have to give it relief. Still. Somehow I sleep. Maybe it’s having kids. they exhaust me. But anyway, try one of those form-fitting pads, what are they called again? Thaat’s part of our stack.


    • How funny. My partner and I are thinking we need a king sized bed, as well. Either that or kick the dogs out. Our problem now is that our mattress is too small and soft–sagging in the middle. Thanks for the warning about not over-correcting in the direction of too firm! Love your comment. Hope you’ll be back soon!


  4. Morning, or evening, I don’t care as long as everyone else is asleep 🙂 I even like getting up in the middle of the night to work. The key element is, I’m awake and they’re not.


    • That has GOT to be a big deal when you have kids. I can’t even write with the tv on. I can’t imagine what it would be like having little ones running around. Great to hear from you this morning, my friend. Hope you’re having a good day!


  5. I hope it’s okay to laugh at you after reading this post. Poor poor poor Sara!!! Even in your “I’m turned around and upside-down. I’m pouty-lipped and furrowed brow, frowning my way to a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad” WEEK” mood you make me laugh. There was nothing piss poor or half assed about this.

    I want that book. REALLY REALLY BAD

    I hope you aren’t getting sick.

    I get super cranky super fast but get over it just as fast. I hope you start to feel better asap. Maybe we need to start planning that bike ride…..



  6. I think you have a lot of blogger friends that get up early in the morning too, according to the response already!

    Of course I get up in the wrong side of the bed cranky, and out of sorts, etc. but heck I only have one side of my bed!

    I love how you have found and shared the humor in this even though you are not “feeling” your perky self. Such fun!

    I am sure Sara knows when to go hide by now!


    • Yes, there were a lot of comments here today very early on. I’m just a little slow myself getting back to them. But you’re right. Sara knows the ropes, and, actually, has always been a damn good sport. So is your bed pushed against a wall or something? Great to hear from you today–at what I know was a fairly early hour!


  7. I try not to get up on the wrong side of the bed. It helps if I put enough obstacles on that side so that I can’t. But it happens. And lately it’s happening more. Got to snap out of it!


    • There’s a lot to be said for willing yourself not to be cranky and doing all we need to be sure it doesn’t happen. I think I’ve just been too tired this week to succeed at that–though, actually, today has been better. Thanks so much for stopping by!


  8. I am not a morning person, but I LOVE Alexander. I’ve certainly had my share of no good, very bad, awful, rotten days and I often do just go back to bed. The shift in seasons is hard on our bodies and we don’t always give ourselves the extra time and space to adjust. Hope you sleep better soon!


    • Really interesting comment, Lisa. I hadn’t even thought about seasonal shifts being potentially draining, but that makes sense, doesn’t it? So happy you like Alexander. I think he’s a hoot! Great to hear from you, my friend!


  9. I usually wake up on the right side, but if I don’t, I ignore my grumblings, because eventually I’ll get loosed up and lightened up by the fog horns blowing their sweet eerie sound through my window, the sun rising over the SF bay hills, the pelicans soaring over the bay as I walk my dog for our early-morning wake-up. And then, I give myself 30 minutes to write, to read writers’ blogs, to listen to our work strumming through the universe – and by the time I leave for work, I’m in a good mood! (And I haven’t even had my wheat toast with peanut butter yet)…. Hope you’re back on the right side.


    • Oh, sounds like you enjoy lovely mornings. I love it! I enjoy beginning my day with quiet reading and writing, as well. I’m just lacking the great setting. Wonder where I can get some fog horns of my own here in Kentucky? LOL

      I’m so delighted you stopped by and hope you’ll visit again soon!


  10. I am most creative in the mornings but after a week of recycling in house colds have taken to my bed for the day. Don’t fight. Embrace rest and I heard somewhere….The Sun’ll come out tomorrow bet your bottom dollar….(sorry about that could not resist)


  11. Reading that the tough mood strikes repeatedly makes me think you are over-tired, maybe on the way to exhaustion. Make a phone call to your body and ask if it really wants the nap, cos you just aren’t sure! The brain sends messages and we would do well to listen.

    The fear of slowing down and just *being* could be part of this. I’m pretty sure any slowing you do won’t be permanent, just a temporary measure till you’re all perky again.

    Rest! Let your brain be for a while. (could possibly be the Voice of Experience rather than nagging!) >:-D



    • These are great thoughts, Laurel. I had been going like gangbusters for weeks–not really even having time to keep up with my blogging buddies. I think the slowdown has left me feeling out of sorts. I suppose rest and return to my more regular routine will help. I’m so happy to hear from you, my friend!


      • That is the all-knowing perspective from which I spoke. Prolly most of the reason I fell off the ladder. sigh….

        It’s amazing how being quietly, but busily intense can make us out of sorts.

        (WP is not notifying me **again** of replies to my comments. Why oh why?! But I’m glad I came looking.)


    • YOu make a really good point about it being better when one is on the same schedule as one’s partner. I suspect it helps that both Sara and I are early morning people. Gosh, if I needed to go to bed early and Sara was wanting to go out on the town late at night (late being after 9pm), I’d be in trouble.


  12. I am most definitely NOT a morning person. But if I knew there was a strawberry poptart waiting for me, it might help. My husband IS a morning person. We do not get along in the morning, let’s just put it that way. (loved your post, even if you consider it ‘half-assed’ it was perfect) I normally don’t start ‘waking up’ and lose the grumpiness until noon.


    • I think strawberry poptarts can cure a myriad of ills. In fact, I think I may need to write more about this–and I know my blogging buddy Tori would agree. She even alluded to poptarts in her very bloggy wedding vows–I kid you not. So happy you enjoyed this post, Darla! Yippee, that you didn’t find it half-assed!


  13. Ah..I start my day by cycling before dawn…with lights on my bicycle of course…but it’s a good time to ride…fewer cars on the road…but one think I notice each morning are the high schoolers…you wanna see grumpy!


  14. OMG. We used the words ‘predawn’ and ‘half-assed’ in our respective blog posts on the same day! And in my post I was miserable too, except I’m not a morning person and I didn’t get my morning mug of tea! 😮
    Hope you feel better soon Kathy! Hugs!


    • Oh, you’re such a sweetie, Mun! How funny that we both used “half-assed and “predawn.” We must be on the same wave length today. Wonder what’s going on today? Any clue? And I’m so sorry you’re miserable, my friend. Hang in there!


  15. As you know, I’m a night owl. Mornings completely suck for me. I’m up at 6 a.m. to get Jimmy off to school and zombies are much more lively than I am at that hour. However, should you ever need someone to talk to in the wee hours of the morning, you can always call me cuz I’m burning the midnight oil as late as 3 a.m. Right now I’ve gotten my days and nights mixed up because I’ve been day sleeping while the kids are at school. Ugh. No writing has taken place in so long that I’m ready to scream. Blocked and sleepy. That’s me. (Alexander was very popular in our home for quite a few years. 😉 )


    • I will keep that in mind, Sista! May buzz you one of these nights. However, if your kids are in school all day, maybe it doesn’t much matter if you’re reversed for now. I just wish you weren’t feeling blocked at the same time. Wonder what that’s about. Any idea? Hugs to you, my dear!


      • Truth? I’m avoiding writing some of the most painful things about my life. I’m not sure I’m mentally strong enough to survive a memoir. Although, all other writing has come at great effort, which, for me, is odd. I can usually write as rambling as I speak, lol!


      • I swear writing my memoir is the hardest thing I have ever done–or begun to do. I hope to get back to mine in the next week or so. I know how hard it can be, my friend. Believe me, if you were tough enough to live it, you’re tough enough to write it Hugs to you, Sista!


  16. Definitely a nighttime person over here. All of us in my office are nighttime people which is a very good thing so we are all somber simultaneously until we start showing signs of life around eleven. Being around morning perkiness is unbearable. I also like to powersleep on weekends.


  17. Tut-tut, Kathy. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I am both a morning person and a night one. I’m constantly burning that candle at both ends so that there’s nothing but a measly nub. I’m just not a daytime person. I’m constantly bleary-eyed in the office and tend to doze off in meetings. 😉


  18. Gosh, I’d think all that frantic artistic productivity, then the art fair itself would have exhausted you. That much stress would probably send me off on a BP cycle, so being a little grumpy and tired seems like getting off easy! Please be kind to yourself, girlfriend.


    • I will be kind–thanks so much, Sandy. And, I suppose, you’re right. It could be WAY, WAY worse. Though it may be hard to convince Sara of that. LOL No, seriously, she’s just relieved I’m beginning to feel better. Plus, she’s exhausted herself.


  19. I’m totally a morning person too! I love thinking about delicious breakfast foods (croissants) and brunch (blueberry pancakes) and cups and cups of brewed coffee. The morning time is the best time to create, too. I know some people are night owls and can write into the wee hours, but not me. Not even with a whole pot of coffee.
    Have you ever tried Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages from The Artists’ Way? A lot of people find it helpful to get their creativity back on track. Of course you might just need a Pop Tart. 🙂


    • You and I would definitely get along well, Jackie! I have tried morning pages–have, in fact, done them from time to time. However, I’ve not stuck with it. I don’t know why. Maybe because I find Cameron a bit too strident in her demands and not entirely realistic about outcomes. I’ve also done artists dates, which are fun. Have you tried either?


    • If I slept till 9, I’d feel like I wasted half of the day. In fact, I’ve been known to get up at 7:30 claim the same. Generally, I go to bed early. However, recently I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep–so I read until close to midnight last night, for example. How about you?


  20. Dammit , your not moving to Australia ! 😉 I completely sympathize with you on this post .. I too have been suffering a case of the ‘bloody over it’ syndrome in the last few days .. maybe waking up 10 times a night then having to drive to work at 530 am has something to do with it , not sure ! Anyway heres to next week I hope you have a better one 🙂 Xx Kel


  21. Awww, poor sweetie, a whole week of it. That must be hard. It’s OK to have a day or three of it, but seven days are just too much. Don’t you think that sometimes when we’ve put our “all” into creative projects and we’ve been “up” with ideas and creation that afterwards sometimes every thing just plummets for a while until we gain equilibrium? That’s my theory sometimes. But it’s so hard to ride the downside of that wave… We have to be so kind to ourselves.


  22. You just helped me remember that Alexander was one of my daughter’s most FAVORITE books when she was little. And therefore, I loved that book too!

    I’m a morning person, for the most part. Every once in a whle though… look out! I was cranky this morning as the hubby was leaving for work. And he was confused. But since he’s usually the cranky one, I didn’t worry too much about it.


  23. Yes!! I absolutely share your fondness for un-iced strawberry Pop Tarts. I don’t like any of the frosted ones – they are much too sweet – and that is the only flavor without icing I can ever find.


  24. Do you think maybe you’re crashing after all that creative fervor?
    I, too, love sweet things in the morning, but I find that if I start the day off with sugar I will crave it all day long. Do you notice that too?


    • Yes, I think it was definitely a post-creative crash. Sara and I both suffered, but we’re so much better this week. I don’t know about the sugar craving. I crave it all the time anyway, it seems. It’s an issue. Hate it!


  25. I expect you’re just tired after expending so much creative energy on your artwork. You may be well rested by now since I’m so far behind in reading blogs.

    I am a morning person too, but not a cheerful morning person. I am productive in silence. Nothing irritates me more than a perky person “Good Morning!” me with great cheer within the first hour I’m out of bed. Gosh, I sound like an old grump. I’m not grumpy at all if left alone for just that one hour. After that, I’m all perky, cheerful, and caffeinated too. 🙂


    • How interesting that you, too, are bothered my perky morning people. I wonder why. We are all so different, aren’t we? But, I feel that way at night, so I suppose it makes sense. But, yes, I’m feeling better now. Thanks, Robin!


  26. I’m commenting some time after you’ve posted this blog, but just wanted to say that I hope you’re feeling better. Sometimes those “wrong side of the bed” mornings can extend themselves……..Your description of writing in the early morning, took me back to last winter. I live in a tiny apartment and I open the curtains on the front, livingroom window AND the ones to the back patio window…and in the winter-time, during a heavy snowfall, it’s like being inside of a snow globe. For some odd reason, it’s the easiest time for me to disappear into my head and write. Funny…..I’m not really a winter person either. Anyways, thanks for letting me rattle and for bringing pleasant reminders to me….Just so you know…..when I fall behind on my reading, I always read all of your blog updates before I read anything else. Your writing is my gift to myself for catching up on things. Thank you. Also, I hope you’re rising happy and well now. Blessings to you and Sara. xoxo Julia


    • Okay, this is, perhaps, the most precious comment I’ve ever received. Thank you, my friend. Thank you! I don’t know what else to say–but thank you–from the bottom of my heart. By the way, I LOVE winter, so the picture you paint of you in your living room so appeals to me!


  27. I seem to be having a lot of those days lately, but I know it’s because I feel as if I’m suffocating from a job I really don’t like, and it’s sucking the life-force out of me. I know, I know…. I’m supposed to say that “I’m just happy to have a job in this economy”…. but it’s pretty hard to say that when you really don’t care about the work that you do. I WISH I had some cherry comment right now, but sometimes we just need to feel crappy. Hey, feeling crappy sometimes is better than not feeling anything at all!! 😉


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