Follow your Bliss: Transform Ordinary Furniture into Extraordinary Art

Ecuador has allowed me to evolve as an artist in ways I hadn’t thought possible.

However, in the past creativity involved more sweat and effort than I bargained for.  Joseph Campbell tells us to “follow [our] bliss,” but sometimes that happiness is an illusive devil, one who plays a game of hide-and-seek with artists—offering a smoke-and-mirrors, difficult-to-grasp promise of meaning and beauty.

Inevitably, the creative process gets going with a glimpse—one that takes my breath away—but only for a second—gone almost as soon as I see it—almost before I see it.  Sometimes I see it from behind just as it turns away—departing—leaving—gone.   Sometimes I see it obliquely—out of the corner of my eye—illusion, phantom, dream.

For me, creativity involves chasing that illusion.  It means making that fleeting image real, actualizing it, so it stands still long enough for me to touch it, feel it, know it in a tangible and transformative way.

And I’m learning new techniques for accomplishing that.

So, in light of what I’m learning and remembering about myself as an artist, I thought it important to share a few photos of how that transformation has happened for me in the past—especially since Sara and I are getting ready to teach a workshop here in Cuenca, a class about applying the creative process to transform furniture, especially pieces that might otherwise be considered more trash than treasure.

I hope you enjoy the photos below, because, you too, can undertake these kinds of projects, most of which are sustainable and good examples of green design.

Coffee Tables

More than two years ago, I found this table on the side of the road.  It had been left out for garbage collection.  I was able to upcycle it into something semi-amazing.

DSCN4592 (2)

With some sanding, painting, and decoupaging, I transformed it into this.





Another coffee table I designed started out looking like this.


And in the end, it looked like this.


On this table, I decoupaged photo-copies of mazes and maps and used them, along with painted areas, to create the star/mandala.


End Tables

When we lived in Haiti, Sara purchased a raw wood table from a man selling them along the side of the road.  Again, using the same techniques, I created this.


This table tells the story of our year in Vietnam by incorporating left-over invitations to a reception with Jimmy Carter and maps of Hanoi. And in one corner it alludes to our move to Haiti and Sara’s work there.



Sara did the next two tables, creating the checkerboard pattern from paint and photos of flowers from our garden.


table 2


Sara transformed unpainted wooden stools (purchased at a market in Cuenca for around $5 a piece) into stunning pieces of art.

(Note that this kind of project is simple.  If you can hold a paint brush, cut out an image, and glue it in place, you can undertake something similar. And even if your hand isn’t steady, using masking tape to protect adjacent areas while you are painting the surface of another will create clean, crisp lines.)

Originally, the stools looked like this one.

stool 100_3742 (2)

But here they sit, in our Cuenca home, today.



Also in Haiti, I transformed a “bar” that had survived the earthquake.  At least part way through the creative process it looked like this.  (Sorry.  I can’t find a photo of the bar in its original state, but it was entirely white.)

haiti bar unfinished DSCN1100 (2)

But I remade it into this.





Here I copied the logo of the organization Sara worked for in Haiti onto colored paper, cut the logos into circles and incorporated them as a visual element in the flower imaged on the bar-front.


In this piece, I typed out the names of folks working in Haiti after the earthquake, using varying fonts. Then I cut the text into circles and used them as a visual element on the bar.


This bar-top incorporates newspaper clippings regarding earthquake recovery and the presidential election happening in Haiti at the time, as well as maps of Port-au-Prince and the larger island.



A number of years ago my first furniture transformation project tackled an old, classroom chair that, when completed, was donated to a fundraising auction for an arts organization in Lexington, Kentucky.  In the end, I called it “Meowy Christmas.”






Finally, and more recently, I recreated two raw, wooden chairs we purchased in Haiti, brought back to the US, and eventually transported to Ecuador.  Originally, the chairs looked like this.


However, I transformed them into this.


This one says, “Dream, Grow, Bloom.”


And this.


This chair reads, “Eye (I) Love Art.”


Note how I incorporated the maze into the eye image. This implies that art is “amazing.” The eye was drawn on paper, photo-copied, and decoupaged into place.

Remember.  You, too, can enjoy the transformative power of art.  And these kinds of sustainable pieces can decorate your home, as well, whether you live in Ecuador or not.

(If you live in Cuenca, however, we hope you’ll consider enrolling in our April 14th-18th workshop, as it will teach you how to undertake these kinds of projects.  If you’re interested and would like more information, click here.  And to LIKE our idiomART Facebook page, click here)

IdiomART Logo

Have you ever undertaken any kind of creative project that was especially meaningful for you?  How has the creative process worked for you in the past?  Are there any unexpected ways you’ve been creative or had creativity impact your life?

147 thoughts on “Follow your Bliss: Transform Ordinary Furniture into Extraordinary Art

  1. You know dear Kathy I think everyone could use this colorful beauty in our homes … we are as a whole being sold a line of goods by furniture dealers and accepting what they say is cool, smooth, sophisticated and boring….you show us colorful life and living. I do think that being able to hold a paint brush and cut and paste though does not er…cut it LOL. The artistic talent factor weighs heavily here but with practice we could develop perhaps what we do have. Pardon the rambling…early morning something or other…I LOVE IT!


    • Oh, Chris, I’m SOOOOOO delighted to hear from you this morning. Thanks for taking a look and taking the time to leave such a sweet comment. And you made me laugh–which is EVEN better!!!! Hope you are doing well, my dear! Hugs to you, from here in Ecuador! You know–you would LOVE it here!


  2. I can not even begin to tell you how much I love the creative effort you have put into this furniture. I love it! The bold colors, the whimsey, the bits of your life….just wonderful!


    • Oh, Katybeth, how happy I am to hear that you enjoyed my creations. In fact, you have made my day! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Thank you! And you know, you have one VERY creative son. I LOVE Cole’s work, too!


  3. Kathy,

    Transfixed once again! These are each wonderful creations! Yes as Chris says above “I do think that being able to hold a paint brush and cut and past though does not er…cut it.” There is timely folk art going on here, color creative messages of moments in your life and the lives of those around you.
    There should be a website for upcycle items available from the person getting rid of something, yard sales I suppose, online yard sale. Is there an app for that?

    Great idea to offer workshops, the cultural patterns and textural colors would and could be amazing!




    • Dear, dear Jeff, thank you SOOOOOO much for your comment. You feedback on anything creative ALWAYS means so much to me. And what an asset you would be to the artists here in Ecuador should you ever decide to come. I can only image what your photos of this gorgeous country could contribute.

      Had to laugh at your mention of Chris’ comment, as hers made me laugh out loud! Hugs and love to you, Jeff!


  4. Wonderful examples. We’ve transformed two pieces of our furniture that had seen better days. You know we like to drink beer. and usually when we have a new beer we save the label. Over the years we’ve collected a lot and we have decoupaged them onto a wooden chest and on our coffee table. It’s fun to see the labels and to sit around and reminiscence about places we’ve been. Each label has a memory attached to it. Enjoy teaching your class!


  5. I love your eye for color ~ and ART! You are crazy talented and creative! I love how seamlessly the colors, the words, the decoupage flow in your work! You make me feel like I could do it myself (even though I have no talent whatsoever in colors!). But I do appreciate your amazingness ~ yours and Sara’s! ♥ Enjoy teaching your workshop! I can’t wait to hear how it goes!


  6. Transformation…ahhh…yes! Living abroad, I find that creativity impacts every aspect of our lives. When I had a 15 ft. x 4 ft. space between my kitchen wall and the tin ceiling, I stretched a canvas and painted a mural to cover the hole. Of course, table lamps are almost impossible to find in Nicaragua, so one day when I was chasing chickens in my neighbor’s field, I found several giant gourds, called Jicaro, drying on the ground. Hmmm…lamp shades. I love your colorful, creative upcycled furniture. I wish I could visit and take your workshop. I particularly like how you incorporate memories into each work of art. Fantastic!


    • You are so kind. Can’t tell you how I love your comments. What fun it would be to meet you. Do you think you could or would ever come to visit? That would be SO fun! And I LOVE what did with the gourds. And the story of chasing the chickens makes it even better! What a hoot! If you would like to come sometime when we offer such a class, let me know. We have a guest room where you could stay! Thank you so much!


      • sweet. We have many friends in Ecuador. In fact, we planned a month long trip for March to Ecuador, but plans had to be postponed because I need to make a trip back to the states. I bought a new camera and a new wheelie backpack suitcase for our trip, too. Waaaa! I have a friend, Lisa, who lives near Jama on the coast. You really need to check out her blog if you haven’t seen it already. You both would become great friends. Do a search for Playamart-Zebra Designs. Her art is incredible.


      • Goodness, I have been following Lisa’s blog for a long, long time. Doesn’t surprise me you all are friends. In fact, I was following Lisa even before I considered a move to Ecuador. I think she started following me because of the art connection. I’ll have to ask her. I don’t remember.


  7. You are so talented. All I want to do is paint my credenza a solid color, but you’ve inspired me to try something a bit different. Love your work so much!


    • Oh, no, YOU are talented. I can only imagine what amazing things YOU could paint on furniture. You should try it. Goodness, your work is amazing! You’re a real artist. I’m a wanna-be. LOL

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a look. I love hearing from you!


  8. I love what you do with furniture, Kathy, turning it into works of beautiful art. I have some furniture to transform. I was going to just paint the pieces, but now… maybe I’ll try something different. I wish I could attend your workshop.


    • I LOVE hearing from you, Robin. Yes, you should definitely try something like this. You could decoupage your amazing photos. Gosh, how stunning that would be! Please try it. YOU have nothing to lose. Plus, it can be such a meditative process. I forgot to mention that in the post. Hugs to you, my friend!


  9. Kathy and Sara have not only created sustainable art; likewise, this art in their environ SUSTAINS THEM. The Mandala is a representation of the Soul and a reflection of The One in The Many….The Many in The One. It is the strongest, oldest, and most clarifying/comforting symbol ever created. Keeping these in ones’ homes, in ones’ environs PLEASES that connection binding our Life to all that is Good, Safe, Creative and Reverent; it is a Comforter and Its Power is something that cannot be explained in words; the person who wants these qualities to grow inside themselves simply produces the Mandalas, each one his/her own personal reflection to the Tie That Binds I have thoroughly examined the history and the product as well as the producer, finding nothing to deny It’s therapeutic value. I encourage ALL who read this blog to try it and watch your Life become so much more than what you thought possible. If a big piece of furniture scares you, then start with a pencil and paper; tape the Mandala to your refrigerator or to your bathroom mirror; once you Encounter the Unus Mundus, this Transformative Energy begins working its Miracles in your Life.


    • Gosh, JK, thank you for this generous comment! I may have to insert a piece of it into the post itself. YOU articulate something here that I didn’t know how to explain, and I thank you for that–thank you from a deep place inside of me.

      You are dear! Thank you also for all of the healing energy you have poured into my life over the years! Thank you so very, very much!

      Oh, and I love the advice about starting with a piece of paper! And the suggestion that one post on a mirror or frig! Hugs to you!!!!


  10. How exciting to be running your own workshop! I wish I was as fearless as you are. Those bright colors you pick look beautiful, but if it were me I’d shy away from them because I don’t think I’d make them work the way you do. Isn’t it funny how artists seem to have their own color palette?

    Hugs to you and Sara all the way down there in Ecuador!


    • Oh, dear Miranda, how wonderful to get your comment. BUT–YOU, my dear, are bold and daring and becoming more so every day! Who are you kidding. YOU have just published your own book. You are rocking, my friend. And YOU could totally do this!!!!!!! Hugs to you from Sara and me. We love you, Sista! And hugs to Jim and boys, too!!!


  11. Your work always amazes me. Yes, I could get the materials and attempt something similar but you have the eye and gift to put in all together into something of great beauty. I am not sure mine would end up quite that way but I need to give it a try. You are so talented and I am always pulled into the vibrancy of the colors and designs of your work. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!


    • Oh, dear Beth Ann, YOU can do this, too! I know enough about your gift in card-making to know that, with complete confidence. The design methods are the same. I can’t tell you how admire what you make. If you can create the cards, you can do this. It’s just a matter of scale, and it would take more time. I recommend you give it a try with a small table-top or stool. And thank you so much for sharing the post via FB and Twitter! You know your sharing my Christmas tree ornaments on Pinterest made a huge splash! Thanks for that, as well!


  12. WOW! These are amazing my friend! I so have to show these to mommy tonight. She needs a creative bug to bite her in the rump so she can get busy here at the Hotel Thompson. I’ll keep you posted on what/when she does it 🙂 Have a great day!! XOXO – Bacon


  13. What a treasure of a post you’ve created!!!! with the slow internet, not all of the images came through, but encough did to keep them burned in my mind’s eye for the rest of the day! you definitely have your own style, and it’s great that you’ll be teaching others how to tap into their own genius/s…

    just yesterday i told a visitor that i spent five months creating a work of art that can never be sold! (the agic carpet floor) – seeing first-time visitors’ expressions when they step into the studio is worth ‘not’ selling it! the manyesterday asked, ‘whow did you paint on the tiles?’ (but those are not tiles.. that is paint!)

    i’m typing into a tiny screen and cannot see the words.. (fault of slow internet) so perdon if there are typos or if my fingers got ocross threaded! erase it and we’ll try again!

    z (it’s scary hitting ‘opost comment’ without being able to see what i’ve written!)


    • Oh, Z, I’m so happy to hear from you today. Your comment came through, and frankly, I love the typos, as they express so much about the environment in which you are working–slow internet being a huge part of that.

      Seriously, your floor is stunning. Don’t you just love to see people’s responses? I hope Sara and I get up your way one day soon, so we can see it ourselves. I suspect we will go to the beach up your way later this summer. Next month we are going closer to home–near Salinas, as we only have 3 days.

      Hugs and love to you, Lisa!


      • it’s night, so the comments are working faster. it’s great to hear from you, though i see it’s been 9 hours since you replied! ja! the comment bar is just now working!

        salinas has lovely mosaic light posts along the malecon, and i always love admiring the posts! enjoy salinas = ecuador has so many amazing places to visit!

        it will be fun when our paths cross!


      • Thanks for mentioning the light posts, Lisa. Yes, it will be fun when we finally meet. Hard to believe we’ve been here almost a year–just 6 weeks short of that. Have a great evening.


  14. Beautiful work,Sara! These are really awe-inspiring! I love decorated furniture, and have attempted to “up-cycle” some pieces before, but with nowhere near your creativity or success! Thanks for sharing!


    • Thank you, Cindy! I so appreciate your taking a look and leaving a comment. I don’t believe that your efforts were not as successful. You are a terrific artist. I can only imagine what you might have done on furniture. It’s wonderful to hear from you this morning! Hugs to you from here in Ecuador!


    • Thanks so much, Marilyn! Good to hear you enjoy the colors and the whimsy. I’ll tell Sara your appreciate the photo idea. I thought it was a good one, as well. I appreciate your stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. Have a great day!


  15. Your artwork is so dynamic…the colors would seem to fit into you new environment so well….afraid my creativity does not extend in that direction…but I could do a photo or two. 🙂


  16. Art is transformative, isn’t it? I mean, it is physically transformative in the furniture you breathe new life into, but also emotionally transformative in your soul.

    I love this line you wrote, “Creativity involves chasing that illusion.” That’s exactly what I how I feel about writing. Faulkner said he never, ever stopped chasing the illusion.


    • Yes, yes, yes. Interestingly, I didn’t know Faulkner had said that. But, gosh, for me, I think chasing the illusion applies to writing even more than my visual art. Seems writing is more arduous for me–aerobic even–demands so much of the he-art! Great to hear from you today, Jackie. Hope you have a delightful day!


  17. I’m sure you would make a fortune if you sold these in UK! So unique. I love the way you describe the creative process too – how it starts with a brief vision of how you see it. Such a helpful insight. You have a brilliant eye for colour, each of the designs is so alive yet balanced – geometric yet fluid. Great to find a country that expands your practice as an artist. Ecuador sounds a dream! Wish I was brave enough to make a leap!

    More power to your paintbrush




  18. Kathy, the furniture you’ve created is so bright and colorful one can’t help feeling downright cheerful when looking at it!

    Decorating and organizing my home with hand-me-down furniture and treasures I find at estate sales and yard sales is something I enjoy. I’m in love with a softer Scandinavian palette, which feels serene, brings in the soft light and fits well here at this latitude. I suspect I’d have a brighter color scheme if I lived in Ecuador, where the sunlight is stronger!

    Recently I’ve been making little fairy gardens for the porch in summer – my sister and I took a workshop for inspiration. Wish we could come to your workshop!


    • You fairy gardens sound delightful, Barbara! Wish you could take our workshop, too. And I totally understand what you mean about the relationship of palette to latitude. That was well put.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. They means a lot, my friend. They really do! Hope you have a beautiful day by the sea!


  19. No matter how many times I see the results of your labor, I am always amazed at how creatively you are able to transform everyday objects into truly stunning works of art. I especially love your use of color. I think it evokes emotions in the observer ranging from passion to…aww, who am I kidding?! The shit just looks good! 🙂


    • You’re a sweetie, Mark. Thank you, thank you! Glad you enjoy the colors. This was a fun post to put together, as I had never seen photos of all my pieces in one place before. Thanks again–and guess what–I have fireplace envy. Yours looks SO inviting! Congrats on the move, my friend.


  20. Gifted in so many ways! As you might imagine I especially like your Haitian pieces and would love to attend one of your workshops one day. Keep on doin’ what yer doin’- great!


  21. Kathy – You never ever (ever!) fail to impress me in one way or another with your writing, your artwork, your travels, your fill-in-the-blank; even your sassy shenanigans! The photographic proof in this post is no exception.


  22. Hello Kathryn! Fabulous transformations into great pieces of art there – great photos! I like the Meowy Christmas chair – actually, I like all of them, what am I saying? It’s amazing what a bit of time, a splash of colour and a burst of inspiration can do!


    • Thank you so much, Tom. I kind of like the Christmas chair too, especially since I hadn’t looked at those photos in so many years. It was fun to revisit the project. Wonderful to hear from you. Hope you’ll stop by again soon!


  23. Kathy, oh my gosh, these are beautiful. The colors are stunning and I so appreciate the work that has gone into each and every piece of furniture. You have inspired me yet again. Just lovely.
    Sending you hugs my dear friend.


    • Oh, thank you, my dear. YOU have made my day. So glad these pieces inspired you. You’re creative. YOU, too, can do this. Thank so much for brightening my evening here in the Andes! Wonderful to hear from you. Sweet dreams, my friend!


  24. Kathy, even though I am can “hold a paint brush, cut out an image, and glue it in place” no way could I possibly create anything that could remotely come near any of your furnishings. I look at how you transform the mundane into the wonderful and I know that if I tried to do something similar, I would only be able to transform the mundane into its next stop: trash. I’ll leave the painting, image cutting and gluing all to you.

    I bet your workshop will rock!

    Writing my worst seller last year was a meaningful creative project. I still feel like I’m in recovery from it.


    • LOL—Okay, you are not the only one to dispute my claim about the ability to cut and paste. And however many copies of that book you did or didn’t sell, Sara and I loved it. Hell, the new management here at WordPress finally Freshly Pressed you again this week! Admittedly, you fingers may be paralyzed from typing comment responses, but THAT’S the only thing getting in the way of your cutting and pasting abilities! So there, buddy! Seriously, I LOVED your deodorant debacle post! The recognition was well-deserved!


      • Thanks Kathy — and thanks for the years of support. Do you remember that we met that first time I was FP’ed? I was also suffering a massive sake hangover that day. Now, as you know, I’m pounding water by the barrel and eating acres of dark leafy greens as I diligently ride my spin bike. How dull I’ve become since I’ve reacquired my waist line.


      • Gosh, V, the pleasure is all mine! Yes, I do remember! Freshly Pressed has a way of bringing bloggers together, which is fun–and given the new management maybe this will happened more often. LOL Congrats again, my friend. I need to get on my elliptical machine–follow your good example!


  25. I actually forgot how much I love bright colors until I saw this the other day. I am especially attracted to cobalt blue, and I used the same pumpkin-y color on my living room walls when I lived in NYC, . Colors have a phenomenal effect on our brains. Since Cuenca is overcast so much, I’m looking forward to following in your footsteps (a bit) when I get there and need to start decorating. Bravo! Hope your workshops are a raving success!


    • Hooray, Anna–you are moving here?! That’s awesome!

      And you’re right, color has a huge impact on the brain–an impact for the better. It will be fun to know when you get here and to hear how Cuenca affects your palette. Hope you will be in touch. When will you be moving?

      Wonderful to hear from you. Glad you enjoyed the furniture. Thanks so much for your comment!


    • Thank you, Debra. So glad to hear you enjoyed the post–and think the furniture workshop is a good idea. Apparently, others agree with you, as so far 17 have enrolled and prepaid. We only have room for 3 more. Never thought we’d have this kind of response. Thanks for your comment!


  26. I read this the Little Gingers and we have found it impossible to choose our favourites – we loved them all! I’m fully expected my furniture to be decorated/attacked by the boys after school today. 😉
    I’m not very creative but recently I’ve been a one-woman friendship bracelet factory. I run the local British Scout Beaver troop (which I’m sure you can imagine is a rather loose ship, with an emphasis is on fun rather than spick and span uniforms!) and we’re fundraising for the dog rescue centre here in Qatar. I’m really enjoying sitting down for ten minutes every so often, tying knots and playing with lovely coloured threads.


    • I LOVE your description of your friendship making efforts, Kirsten. Too funny. “Lose ship,” indeed! LOL

      And how fun that your read this to the boys. May your furniture remain safe!

      Wonderful to hear from you today, my friend. Thanks so much for your comment. Greetings to the little Gingers, as well!


  27. *Missed out the “with” – I read this WITH the Little Gingers…
    I’m sure the workshop will be fabulous and I’m a tad jealous. Cuenca is so lucky to have you ladies!


  28. The artwork is just gorgeous, Kathy. Really mesmerizing to look at. It reminds me of intricate quilting but with paint, not fabric. I love the colors and the maze of patterns. You could look at each piece over and over and find new details to appreciate. I’m so glad you shared with us. Keep sharing what you create, please. I think it’s very clear that the artist in you is really being nourished there in Ecuador! 🙂 Wow!


    • Thank you, Debra. I’m so fascinated that you compared these pieces to quilts, as others have said the same thing. And that had never even occurred to me before. Fun to hear everyone’s feedback.

      Wonderful to hear from you today, my friend. Hope your week is going well!


  29. I worship at your feet (and Sarah’s). I am stunned and mesmerized. All of it, so wonderful. I could fill my house, wherever it ends up being.


    So when I come, should I just bring with me something to carry it all back?


    • Val, you inevitably make me smile and brighten my day, which is a huge gift, especially, given what you are going through. So generous, my friend!

      So when are you coming. We are waiting and hoping you will come. Will advice you on how to haul home furniture once we have a date. LOL Seriously. Hope you come soon!


  30. Wow, Kathy! Once again, you’ve bowled me over with your artistic and creative streak. I only wish I had an ounce of your creativity. These pieces are fabulous. I’d love to have some of them in my home. Ecuador is good for you. Very very good. 🙂


  31. You and Sara are like the magical world of color fairies, using your magic wands to spread beautiful, breathtaking bold colors all over the place and bringing big smiles with it. I could gaze upon your work forever. Simply beautiful!


    • Oh, you are SO sweet Monica. Thank you SO much. Sara and I DO love color–that’s for sure–and I know you do, too. FYI–we currently have 17 enrolled (and prepaid) for our workshop. I’m so excited. Have an awesome weekend, my friend.


  32. Love that furniture. Looking all professional and whatnot. I’d buy that round one for my den if you weren’t so far. I’m decorating this year. Or at least that’s what I call myself trying to do.


    • Redecorating is fun! So glad to hear you enjoyed the furniture, especially the round table. As you know, I LOVE your work, as well. Thank you so much.

      It’s great hearing from you today. Hope you have an amazing weekend!


  33. Hi Kathy! I love your work sooooooo much! My daughter and I just looked at this together and are inspired to head to Goodwill to look for a dresser to do for her. I haven’t visited you for a while and wanted to let you know that I started a new blog a in January. It began as my weight loss journal at the request of my weight loss counselor, but evolved into a blog. I’d love for you to drop by when you have the time. Here’s the address: Hope you and Sara are doing well!


    • Oh, I’m so happy to hear from you and to know about your new blog. How exciting that this post inspired you to look for a dresser for your daughter. I LOVE finding things at the Goodwill!

      I’m going to pop over to your place now. THANK YOU so much for leaving the link!!!!!


  34. Ah, so amazing, Kathy! It’s a wonder that my own place isn’t covered with creative furniture like this, but I guess Marty’s art is confined to the canvas for now. 🙂


  35. Hi Kathy,
    I love your “brand” of Art and do hope that your workshop goes well. One day I’ll have time to give this a whirl myself but right now I have far too much on the go.

    All my best to you and to Sara too,


    • Thank you so much, my friend! Glad you appreciate our brand. You are correct. This kind of work takes time, so you may be wise to wait. Wonderful to hear from you today! Sorry to be slow getting to this comment. Trying to catch up!


  36. I meant to comment on this earlier. I am such a fan of all your work. Why didn’t you include your fabulous stairs? (I hope whoever bought your house kept your stairs).

    Love from Mass.


    • Ha, ha! Yes, I considered including the stairs but decided to keep this post to furniture, so I could promote my workshop–which is about painting furniture. Maybe I will do a separate post about the stairs. Great idea! Wonderful to hear from you, Lisa! Hugs and love to you from Sara and me!!!! We miss you!


  37. You are so crafty….. and thrifty. I just showed renee all of these projects you guys did, in hopes that she would get started, but so far she’s only glared at me! 😉


    • LOL Yes, get that woman to work! Has she finished a piece by now. I’m a day or two late getting to this comment. Hell, she should have finished an entire house of furniture by now. Get a move in it, Renee!!!


  38. Great work Kathy (and Sara). You obviously have the eye for transforming the simple into something much better! The tables are my favorite. I envision bright colors in South America, and if that is true, you fit in well.

    Special thanks for continuing to visit during my packing and unpacking time.


    • Oh, dear Frank, the pleasure is ALLLLLLL mine. Do I ever empathize with all the work you have faced in recent months. Bet you are glad it will soon be coming to an end. Glad you appreciate the post. And thank you SO much for stopping by!


    • Thank you SO much, Sybil. Glad you enjoyed the post, colors, etc. Hope you are doing well. I think you will appreciate my post that will be going live this morning, by the way. Wonderful to hear from you!


  39. Wow, Kathy, you two are such colorful people — in every way. You make it look so easy. Could you two stop by my house for a few days? There is a lot of creative work, painting and such, needing to be done here.

    Years ago, when I was a very young adult, I painted my apt. small-kitchen walls pea soup green — it looked great, was welcoming. And then I bought some brackets and 5 foot long flat boards — I know there’s a name for them, spray painted them bright Mexican colors — yellow, blue, orange and green, affixed them to the walls and placed my 33’s on them, front of jackets facing the room, so I had all this artwork to enjoy on these wonderful shelves.

    This is what I need to do these days; mostly I write, though, so it’s hard to find a balance. I’m working on it. Thanks for sharing these delightful photos of your work.


    • Oh, you are so sweet. I’m thrilled you enjoyed the photos. You are right. We’re pretty colorful around here.

      LOVE the description of what you did to that kitchen. THAT was VERY creative, my dear.

      Hope you are well. Sorry to be in such a rush. Too much to do, and Sara is sick. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate your comments!


  40. Wow. You have been productive. I love the color in your work. And it may seem easy to you, but trust me, any project I attempted like this would turn into a hot mess. I speak from experience. Good luck on your workshop.


    • Thanks so much, Christine. I know that everyone says that–that they could never do these kinds of projects, but I’m one of those folks who disagrees–mostly because I used to be one of them. We’ll see if I can actually teach this stuff during our workshop next week. I will keep you posted. Great to hear from you!


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