A March Garden: Images of Almost-Spring

It’s safe to say, spring is sprouting in our back garden.

Not far from a carcass of winter walnut, our the lilac bush is beginning to bud and grass is growing from the ash of last summer’s fire pit.

Our clay posts have wintered well–

–While back porch posts and polka dot pots need purple paint.

Pebbles from our garden path, look stunning in the spring time sun–

–While lettuce has begun to blossom–

Day lilies grace the muck and mud–

–While our garden gate still wonders why–

–Why Sara cut back the lemon grass.

Moss emerges amidst the grasses–

–And cacti creep along the path.

The gnome nooks nicely near the fence.

Our rose-bush boasts blossoms in the months to come–

–While solar lights line our garden gate.

There’s blue beyond the walnut tree–

And just beneath are bursts of green.

–And our fig tree budding in the sun.

After a day spent digging in the dirt, Sara puts up her muddy feet–

–Lucy begs to go indoors–

–And I go lock the garden gate.

Has green begun growing in your yard yet this March?

What’s your favorite part of spring time gardening?

Note:  If you are new to my blog, you might like to know that I am writing a memoir and blogging about growing up in an organized crime family.  (The post you’ve just read is not part of that series.)  For a list of my  memoir posts, click here.  If you are interested in reading any of my protected posts, please email me at kownroom@yahoo.com  or let me know in the comments below, and I will gladly share the password with you.

66 thoughts on “A March Garden: Images of Almost-Spring

  1. Such a hopeful and cheery post – my Lilacs are starting to stir and the hostas are pushing through the mulch 🙂 Lots of bewildered squirrels and wow are the birds ever chirping. We need rain though.

    I sure love all the colors in your yard!!


  2. That was truly lovely. My garden is still waking up but what a treat to see spring finally pushing through. Just found your blog and will be following along. Enjoy the wakening days!


    • I’m delighted you appreciated seeing spring in my garden–and to hear that yours is waking up, as well. Happy spring to you. I look forward to checking out your blog, as well! Hope to see you again soon————-


  3. I am so excited for spring! Even though spring cleanup gardening is so much work, it’s delightful to get down close to the ground and see the new shoots – to see what survived the cold nights here in Idaho. Thank you for the lovely photos and I am so envious of your garden gate. The colors are incredible!


  4. What a wonderful Spring series!!! I absolutely adore all the vibrant colors, and I can just feel the warm air in these images! Thank you for sharing, it brought a smile to my face!! 🙂


  5. Things are greening up a bit here, too. I am antsy to start planting the annuals and the herbs but am bridling myself because I know it is still too early….frost could be just around the corner and I know these Iowa winters too well by now. But I did pull out the patio table and chairs and we ate outside last night so that abated my desire to do too much spring preparation . At least for a day.


    • We supposedly risk a freeze up until the first of May. However, the temperature here hasn’t been below 32 F in a while. Well, I guess it had to be colder than that, as it snowed the 1st of March, but it began melting that same day–and was gone by the following morning. Today it feels downright hot and humid. Good for you for getting out your table and chairs.


  6. When I was married and living in a house with a nice backyard, we had the most delicious plot of strawberries growing back there. I tried to plant some outside the townhouse, but there’s not enough sun back there. I miss those strawberries!!

    Might I add, your backyard looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. Don’t worry, that’s a compliment.


    • Seriously, “Kipper.” Sara says it’s because it’s “gone to seed”–which is not really a good thing. In other words, it didn’t get cold enough over the winter to kill the lettuce–too weird. Happy Spring from Sara and me!


  7. This post reads like poetry, Kathy. The images and words are just beautiful. We are in the 70’s all week up here, which has me worried about July and August. Scorchers for sure. Alas, my sprained ankle, now three weeks in, is still giving me grief and keeping me from digging in the dirt. I fear there may be more wrong than just a sprain. Doc said give it six weeks, but so far, I’m not holding out hope. Tell Sara to dig a little for me.


    • How cool that you think it reads like poetry. Thanks, Sista. Sorry to hear you are still having ankle issues. Actually, mine still bothers me from time to time. I fell down our back stairs several weeks ago. However, for me it’s only periodic discomfort.

      Anything in particular you’d like Sara to plant for you? I’ll do my best to hook you up.


      • Plant some oregano! It goes in my fave dish–spaghetti–and it comes back every year. Plus, it’s safe for the dogs to eat and it even freshens their breath, if you don’t mind spaghetti breath that is. Another plus, sometimes when you mow the lawn it will smell like you’re cooking something scrumptious.


  8. Spring surely has arrived in your back yard! We’ve had a wonderfully warm week here, though the trees, plants and grasses aren’t quite coming alive just yet.

    Lucy is busy digging holes in the yard wherever she can. I’m not sure what she’s looking for, but I hope she finds it soon!


  9. Love the colors Kathy!!!! We have had amazing weather here! Highs in the 70s for the week which is like early June and tomorrow a shot at 80! Don’t know what is going on here! Happy gardening!


  10. These beautiful photos make me think that you, Sara, Ralph and Lucy must live in paradise — and you have a fig tree! Yum! The only thing growing around me is the severity of my colleague (not) Under Ling (anymore)’s allergies as blooming season, synonymous with sneezing season, gets underway up here, too. As the weather continues to warm there will be more sidewalk seating for dining on the avenues here in Gotham City, but I’ve never been a fan of eating while inhaling car exhaust.


    • Oh, I assure you it’s not paradise. I lived there (Haiti) last year. Plus, our fig tree isn’t large enough yet to give us fruit. Maybe this year will be different though. Happy allergy season to you, my friend!


  11. The daffodils are just opening up in these parts. They are so cheerful I just love when I see their little yellow buds. It means spring is here!

    It was terrific to take this trip around your garden with you. I’m so glad that you have this wonderful yard to enjoy. It looks like Lucy is not as impressed. 🙂


  12. Spring has definitely sprung in our backyard, but it’s way to early. Our dogwood trees look absolutely beautiful with their flowers, but if we have a frost or if winter decides to finish the season in April, they’re going to struggle to make it. The same goes for our tulips and day lilies. I have to say that while I personally am happy to see spring arrive so early, I feel sorry for the poor flowers and buds who may not know what MIGHT hit them.
    Your pictures and descriptions are fabulous! 🙂


    • Thanks so much for reading. Trees have begun to blossom here, as well. I hear what you’re saying about winter reappearing. Supposedly, we can still have a frost up until May 1st in our part of Kentucky, so I can’t imagaine what would happen, especially were we to get snow again.

      So glad to hear you enjoyed the photos! Happy early spring to you, my friend!


  13. I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your garden. I love all the color, whether it’s from nature or from paint, and your descriptions are lovely. I want to come sit in your garden for a while and enjoy a few hours of early spring. 🙂


  14. Oh spring! Oh lovely! Thank you for sharing, dear Kathy. Did Sara take these pics or you? Or didn’t I read carefully enough? Not that it matters. They are wonderful. I feel inspired just looking. Of course, it’s 82 degrees here right now. WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Is it the Twilight Zone? Is it 2012? Odd weather, indeed…


    • Bizarre, isn’t it? It’s nearly that warm here, as well. But, goodness, how crazy for it to be that warm in your neck of the Big Woods. I, actually, took all of these photos. I didn’t clarify in the post. Sara did the gardening. I manned the camera. Happy Sunday, dear Kathy!


  15. Beautiful! Yes, my garden is also waking up early. Yours is so exhuberant – I’m rather jealous of all the hot paint colors…


  16. Oh, what I would give to smell the fresh scent of lilacs again. It’s been decades. Sigh. Enjoy your springtime and thanks for the nice pics. I’ll have to check out your mafia stories some time.


    • Oh, how sad that it’s been so long since since you’ve smelled lilacs. There’s nothing like that aroma, for me, at least. I’d love you to read some of the mafia posts–would enjoy hearing what you think. Great to hear from you today! Happy Monday!


  17. Kathryn, how lovely, like a breath of fresh spring air! I am enjoying the glimpses of your garden, sensing that it must be quite magical. The tiny mosses are so pretty…. and so green! Happy Spring to both of you 🙂


  18. Hi Kathryn, I just started following you and loved this post! I love spring when all the colors just start to peek out from their long winters nap, though in this case, spring has come early to Michigan. I can not believe the beautiful weather we are having. I too want to get out in my yard and capture the spring blossoms. Thanks for the inspiration! I hope to post some pics later this week.


    • Great to hear from you, Fraha. It’s kind of a crazy spring isn’t it? At any rate, thanks so much for the comment. I can’t wait to check out your blog, as well. Thanks so much for subscribing. Can’t wait to see your photos later this week!


  19. So cheerful and warm! Yes, ours has grown quite a bit. The bed beneath our dogwoods in front too much so. The hostas are coming back, but tons of weeds, too. Can you or Sara suggest a nice ground cover that does well in medium light? I’m so sick of mulch. 🙂


    • I wish I knew how to advise you, Chrissy. We have used “creeping thyme,” as we like the scent when we walk on it. However, I’m not sure about the light requirements. We have it in a fairly sunny spot.

      Glad to hear you enjoyed the post. Hope you have a great day, my friend————-


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