Blogger’s Cure for the Summer Cold

I don’t know if the common cold and the summer cold are the same viral animal, but for some reason, the summer cold always manages to feel way, way worse.

So, it is that I’ve been sick–not the worst cold I’ve ever had, but at times it’s felt like my own sinus system has set me adrift upon some “mucus-y” sea or, worse yet, has held my head under. (To see/read my partner Sara’s post about my being ill (“Blogger Down”), click here.)

Clearly, it’s not going to kill me, but there have been moments in the past few days when I’ve almost wished it would.  (I exaggerate only a little.)

Your support, however, your comments and enthusiasm for my current staircase renovation have been my blogger’s equivalent of cure—my Sunkist, my personal Freshly Pressed.

Cold medicine aside, I’m high on nothing other than our shared enthusiasm and my own efforts to avoid drowning.  (Where does all that mucus come from anyway?)

And in all honesty–you readers rock my world—or your comments have rocked my cold recovery, at least.  As soon my sinuses subside, I’ll be back at the staircase project and back with another update.

In the meantime, wish me safe sailing on these sneezing seas of phlegm and fluid.

And, while you’re at it, tell me how blogging has made you feel like part of a caring community.  What’s the biggest bonus blogging or social media have brought to your life?

(Note:  I’m learning to manipulate photos using PicMonkey, and it’s so “sick,” I can hardly stand it!  Plus, it’s free.  It’s fun.  And it’s easy to learn.  I recommend it.)

107 thoughts on “Blogger’s Cure for the Summer Cold

  1. Great use of PhotoShop! I need to learn how to do these nifty tricks.

    Sorry you’re sick but I’m glad the blog comments are helping you through. I know exactly how you feel, of course. There have been many times over the last seven months when support from my blog readers has literally kept me sane.

    Feel better soon, and looking forward to more staircase pics.


    • Thanks, Heather. Actually, though I have PhotoShop, I can’t seem to figure it out, so I’ve resorted here to PicMonkey, which is SO much easier. It’s free also. I highly recommend it. Great to hear from you this morning.


  2. Kathy,

    I think the universe is trying to tell you something!

    Well you have used your time wisely, and creatively, sick or not!

    Sending your healing energy ((( ))) I am a Rieki Master… all you have to do is ask!


  3. Well there you go Kathy, they say something good comes out of every situation, and you’re learning how to use PicMonkey!

    And I do agree with you, summer colds are the absolute worst!! I think your body is sending you a message to slow down though, so take it easy, keep your germs away from Sara while she looks after you, and the stairs will still be there, awaiting your wonderful creativity, when you are all well again.

    Get well soon, dear friend. 🙂


    • I’ve been trying to keep the germs from Sara. I pray to God she doesn’t get this. It’s not been fun. I think you are so, so right. I’m getting a message–and slow down may be it. Yikes–I better listen! Right? And PicMonkey has been a total blast. Thanks for the wishes, my friend. And hugs to you!


    • Glad you enjoyed the “Out Sick.” I thought it was fun, as well. I have no guava tea, but I’m sure I can come up with something healing to drink. Thanks for the get-well wishes. So great to hear from you today!


  4. You ask: “What’s the biggest bonus blogging or social media have brought to your life?” YOU!! (and about five others of my very favorite bloggers) Seriously … I love your generosity and interest and continuous cheerful optimism. And of course, your … Hugs….. Hugs back, B


    • Oh, thank you, Betty, you are such a sweetie. It amazes me how many great people I have met by blogging–you being ONE of them, of course. I SO hope you win the blogging award, Betty. No one deserves it more! And hugs to you, of course.


  5. Summer colds are much worse than regular ones, because they feel so out of season. It’s like when you see Christmas decorations in July or barbecue grills in January. It’s just not right! Hope you recover from yours quickly!


  6. If comments cure the common cold, then you could make zillions of dollars by teaching everyone the best way to comment.

    As for blogging making me feel like part of a community, sometimes it feels like my blogging friends are the only ones I have at the moment. Then they stop commenting and I am all alone. Sigh.


    • I, too, have had folks stop commenting. I’ve also had some of those who stopped return again, so sometimes it turns around. I suppose folks get busy. But thanks so much for commenting, dear Lisa. You are a dear gift that has come from blogging–for both Sara and me. Can’t wait to see you!


  7. I’m so sorry you’re under the weather right now – being sick is definitely no fun! When I get sick, I get SICK! Sending positive thoughts your way for a speedy recovery!! ♥♥♥


  8. Sorry to hear you’re under the weather, especially when you’re under assault by the phlegm cootie-carriers. Yuck-o. No fun at all.

    Here’s hoping you’re back to creating more memories on your staircase soon. I love watching your projects take shape and form. You make me wanna grab a paint brush, or at least a glue stick or something. Hell, I might even have to sprinkle around a bit of glitter. Feel better soon!


    • Oh, I hope you grab all of those creative tools–especially the glitter! And share your wonderful work. Sometimes it helps. Art can say what words can’t sometimes. Thanks for the warm wishes, my friend. I’m thinking about you and sending hugs your way!


  9. That first photo–hahahahhaah with the t-shirt emblazoned! hahahahaha! And the last photo–ewwwwwww! (Are you sure it’s only a cold?!)

    The blogging community has given me lovely, warm, and caring company while I’ve been isolated these last 5 months. If I had not said anything about being ill, I would have missed out on laughter, hugs, and companionship! The community gave me voice when mine was stunted. Thank you for being a voice in my wilderness, Kathy.


    • Isn’t that shirt hilarious! I just couldn’t help myself. Now that I’ve learned how to add text to photos, I’m gonna be a PicMonkey fool, I’m afraid. I’m all about the marriage of text and image, to begin with! I’m so happy you have felt supported through your recent illness, Laurel. Hugs to you, my dear! And thanks for being part of my blogging community!


      • That t-shirt made me laugh because of the juxtaposition with you being so ill in the pic. Hard to describe–sort of an “apologetic, I can’t help it, it’s ALSO sadly true that I blog, in addition to being sick.” still makes me laugh to look at it!

        I’m gonna check out PicMonkey.


      • That was almost exactly the point of Sara’s post today–that I may be sick–but she’s gotta rip the damn computer from my grip of death. I’ll likely be in hospice some day, still proudly wearing my blogging T-shirt over my hospital gown. ANd I mean that with all due respect to hospice, of course.

        Check out PicMonkey, indeed. If I can do it, anybody can. It has got to have idiot-proof built into the software–I swear.


  10. I love picmonkey, and I’ve only scratched its surface. I think community is an essential part of blogging. You and Sara BOTH blog, so you maintain that online connection. My husband always reads my blog (but really doesn’t ‘get’ blogging). But nobody else in my family reads it. And it’s SO NICE to know other people who are reading my words, whose words I am reading, and to feel like I belong in this group of strangers. Get well soon. The ragweed bloomed early down here, so I’m sneezing in your honor today.


    • I have to admit, I’ve only scratched the surface of PicMonkey, myself, but when I began to play, I was hooked. Can’t wait to learn more.

      Sara says she “blips”–which I guess is sort of micro-blogging–posting a photo-a-day and short text. It’s been good for us, as she now appreciates my obsession–which is what she USED to call it. My family, for the most part, except for my sister and Sara’s sister and sister-and-law–rarely, if eveer, read. But, you’re right. It’s like belonging to a group of strangers–really have to wonder how this may ultimately impact our cultural landscape. We no longer sit on the front porch and chat with neighbors, for the most part.

      Sorry you’re sneezing. I send you a virtual tissue–maybe even a box of them. Hope you’re feeling better!


    • Thanks, Lisa. I’m afraid I’m not as dedicated at I once was, but it’s still something I want to do, even when I’m not feeling well. Guess I have it bad. Great to hear from you today, my friend!


  11. Sorry to hear about your cold…seems worse in the summer to me because there are some many fine things to do that you cannot do during the winter…well if you live where you live…here is SoCal most of the year is just fine. 🙂


      • Thanks, Kathryn. I think I’m coming down with a cold too. It frightens me beyond words, though, because of my emphysema. Oh yeah, and my 35th high school class reunion is this Saturday! Wish me luck! Love to you and Sara! xoxo Julia


      • Holy crap, Julia! I had NO idea you had emphysema. That would scare me too, I’m afraid. But the high school reunion–THAT would TERRIFY me! I hope you don’t get sick, my friend! Be well!


      • Thanks, Kathryn. The reunion is funny because I started the organization of this one (35th) last August before I gathered a committee to help me. The joke that I tell the girls helping me is that I really don’t remember too many of my classmates…and the ones I do remember, ANNOY me! ha ha ha! I’m not nervous because I’m not worried about any judgement. You know what I mean? I was so shy as a kid…and then later as a prescription drug addict…always feeling like a fraud….Now, I’ve come into myself and feel like I own any room I walk into! I know…sounds crazy! Take care and feel better soon, girlfriend! xoxo Julia


      • Good for you to own the room! I can’t say I have that kind of confidence. I’m still kind of, well, not shy exactly, but not terribly outgoing either. I’ll write a bit about my HS experience one of these days. I have barely gotten into it, even in my memoir posts. At any rate, stay well, and enjoy the weekend! Hugs to you, my dear!


  12. Whenever I’m ill with a cold that makes me phlegm-filled, like you I always wonder where did all that phlegm come from? Then I wish it would just return to that place far from me. Donning my Dr. Quackenbush guise, I recommend that you rest, drink plenty of fluids and proceed to do your best to pee it out. Possibly inhaling your weight in ancient staircase dust is what did you in in the first place.


  13. Feel better!!!! The most feedback I’ve ever received on a blog is when I write about something sad, or serious, hurtful, and people make the time and take the time to comment something kind, something to encourage. I don’t know that I’ve ever received a negative or hurtful comment. It helps me build on my belief that if we put kindness out, it is returned, and it grows.


    • I have to agree–especially about never having gotten a hurtful comment. I have friends who have gotten them, but I haven’t. Everything has been overwhelmingly positive. Heck, you even invited us to go ride a bike. To me, that’s what blogging is all about–making those kinds of connections. Kindness breeds kindness–absolutely, my friend–and you’re an example of exactly that!


      • Thanks KM! I agree about the blogging. I know we all blog for many different reasons. Though I only read, I am sure, a very small percentage of the millions of blogs out there…that most bloggers do hope for positive feedback, support, encouragement, guidance. And in looking for that from others, they tend to give this same feedback to others. Thank you for the wonderful words!


      • Yes, I think we tend to give, as bloggers, what we also hope to get. It’s a sort of reverse blogging karma, maybe. Not so much that we get what we give, though I think we do that as well, but that we give what we hope to get. Or is that karma, as well? At any rate, there’s certainly a reciprocity involved. Whoever came up with the notion of comments was brilliant.
        Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


      • And the same to you and Sarah. If my knee will allow me I will be running in a color run. If I end up with any good color patterns thrown upon me I will share with you!


  14. Poor Kathy! Hope you recover asap, even if for the selfish reason (on my part!) for you to get back to painting that masterpiece of a staircase!
    As for blogging, and social media in general for that matter, I would cease to exist without it all! These days I tweet and pin like mad. I love the way new things come up, the learning, the seeing, the connecting…’s all so good. Life would be so boring and disconnected without it!


    • Ha–love it that you’re looking forward to more of the staircase! I am, too, actually. Kind of curious to see where it will take me. But then again that’s exactly what you say you love about social media, in general, and I have to agree. It satisfies curiosity. It feeds our desire to learn more–be more–feel more. Great to hear from you, dear Mun!


  15. Poor Kathy! I’ve done my share of mucus posts. Somehow it helps to whine knowing the whole world can hear.
    You and a few other dear friends are the bonus of blogging. There are times when I’m writing a post that I’m writing to you all, my chosen “audience,” knowing you all will understand exactly what I’m saying. It’s a tremendous gift.


    • Sometime I’m totally amazed by the gifts bloggging has given me–your being important among them. Pretty cool the community that’s been created. And I know what you mean about the benefits of whining. PLEEZzzzzzzzzzzzzz listen! PLEZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz feel sorry for me! LOL

      Great to hear from you, Sandy.


  16. Look at you with the cool photo graphics! 🙂 Way to spice it up.
    I love how the staircase is coming along. It looks fantastic.

    Hope you’re feeling better soon! Have a great weekend.


    • Thanks for mentioning the graphics. I am just learning how to do this, so every little discovery tickles me. Clearly, I’m easily amused. It was all just so damn fun! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, as well.


  17. Feel better, Kathy! I love your photos. So very cute. 🙂 I am here to deliver another little cure to your cold via comment, (I hope it goes through).

    I know what you mean. I love the blogging community so very much…. it’s so warm and friendly and accepting and it really does make my life a little sweeter. I call my blog my personal support group.

    Have a lovely day,


  18. Feel better, Kathy! I love your photos. So very cute. 🙂 I am here to deliver another little cure to your cold via comment, (I hope it goes through).

    I know what you mean. I love the blogging community so very much…. it’s so warm and friendly and accepting and it really does make my life a little sweeter. I call my blog my personal support group.

    Hugs to you,


    • I think of my blog in similar terms, though it’s never occured to me to articulate it as such. Thanks so much for your comment. So sorry to have foud it in my spam folder. Hope you can get this issue cleared up soon with WP. Hugs to you, dear Currie.


  19. Ugh, summer colds are absolute hell! But even sick, you write great posts. Hope you’re feeling a bit less stuff and the sinuses clear out soon. I will have to check out that picmonkey link…

    I can’t do without blogging very long (I tried and only made it 2 weeks) I can do without FB and twitter, I rarely use them now. But WP is full of such great people I can never leave.


  20. So sorry to hear you’re under the weather. Summer colds are worse than summer colds. Somehow a summer cold feels more punishing than the winter variety. It’s summer! We’re supposed to be happy and healthy and having fun, not wallowing in a sea of mucus. (I wish I knew where it all came from!)

    Thanks for the tip on PicMonkey! I could use a fun, free, photo editing service!


  21. Kathy, I so hope you are all better! Colds are so awful, summer, winter, spring and fall. Ooops, I did not mean to say fall. Isn’t it amazing how our commenters and blog readers can cheer us up when things get down? And you always cheer up so many with your posts!


  22. Ugh. A summer cold. They may well be the same virus as a winter cold, but they always feel much worse to me too. I hope you’re feeling better by now. That staircase is amazing. Pure genius. 🙂

    Blogging helped me through my mother’s death in 2009. Everyone was so kind and caring. I am so glad I didn’t shut myself off and stop blogging (something I strongly considered) as I believe all of the support I received through the blogging community made a huge difference. I even had a lurker come out of the shadows and offer me the gift of a lovingkindness meditation that still resonates with me to this day.


    • HOw wonderful that blogging helped you get through your mother’s death. That’s such a huge gift–especially the meditation. And I’m delighted you like my stairs. It’s been a fun project–such a huge canvas! Great to hear from you, Robin


  23. Wowza, I’m so late to this party, Kathy! I hope that you have fully recovered from your summer cold by now and that you have bounded into greener, less-phlegmy pastures. 🙂 The photo manipulations are cool!


    • Well, not so late, really–just a week or so, I think. Just lots of comments, I guess. However, I am definitely feeling back to normal. Thank God! Damn that was miserable! Made me really grateful for good health, that’s for sure.
      Hope your summer at the harbour is going well. Great to hear from you, especially knowing how insanely busy you must be! Take care, my friend. Greetings to Marty, as well!


  24. Trust you’re over that cold. I admire your strength and courage in posting a picture of you in your sick state. Blogging has changed my life and opened a new world to me. I have loved meeting people from all over the world. Fellow writers who share common interests and a love of supporting each other. Bloggers like you!


    • Oh, yes, I’m feeling fine now. Thanks for asking. I’m delighted blogging has introduced me to folks like you, as well, Monica! Hope you’ve made it home safely. Can’t wait to hear about your trip!


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