Rider’s Blog: My RV Adventure with a Spanish Dancer (Part 2)

RV-ing with my Godmother, a former Flamenco dancer, has interrupted my writing. It’s true that I’m only a passenger, but I’m also the “Navigator.”  I call myself “Navigator-in-Chief;” my Madrina (“Godmother” in Spanish) says I’m the “Navigator-in-Name-Only.” This information may be meaningful for those of you who know anything about my directional challenges.  For me, anything that remotely resembles getting from one place on the planet to another requires an inordinate amount of brain power, a resource I am sorely lacking. Okay, I’m not “blocked” in the traditional writerly way, but being on the road has also meant inconsistent WiFi access (at best) and precluded blogging until now.

When we tried to go shopping yesterday we learned that WiFi was out in many portions of the US.  Even the post office could not process credit cards or checks. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones with internet issues.

This sign greeted us when we visited Meijer's yesterday.

This sign greeted us when we visited Meijer’s yesterday.

So in lieu of describing, at length, our many-to-date misadventures, I’m quickly posting a few details about our journey over the past week.

Leaving Ecuador

Having departed Cuenca the evening before, I left Quito the morning Pope Francis arrived in Ecuador’s capital, and I landed in Florida just as post-Independence Day mayhem hit the Fort Lauderdale Airport.

Took a ride on the papal express!

Took a ride on the papal express!

Usually less chaotic than her sister facility in Miami, Fort Lauderdale saw check-in queues that extended outside the airport’s front doors and sent my Madrina on a wild Godchild chase trying to find her baby goose (me). I may have been flying but, little did she know, I hadn’t flown the airport’s coop without her.


The wild geese Madrina was chasing suddenly appeared as we were leaving the RV park yesterday.

The wild geese Madrina was chasing suddenly appeared as we were leaving the RV park yesterday.

The friendly skies--

The friendly skies–

Packing the RV

We were two days late leaving Miami, as RV servicing was behind schedule.   So we quite literally ferried supplies from the house, for two long days, and threw them into our home for the next seven weeks, piling the bed, sofa, and floor with everything from capris pants to pretzels, flip flops to knee socks.

Yes, yes!  I tend to over-pack!

Yes, yes! I tend to over-pack!

On the Road

We traveled for four days from south Florida to a town just outside of Chicago called Michigan City, Indiana.

Madrina waving hello from the RV  window--

Madrina waving hello from the RV window–

Bookkeeper-in-Chief marks mileage on gasoline receipts--

Bookkeeper-in-Chief marks mileage on gasoline receipts–

This is what nearing-ninety-smartphone-literacy looks like.

This is what nearing-ninety-smartphone-literacy looks like.

World Massage Festival

Here we are attending the World Massage Festival, where my Madrina is representing herself and her husband in absentia.  My Godparents had been married for six and a half decades, when Raul passed away last fall, one month shy of his 97th birthday.  After a lifetime of work in the theater he had launched a career as a massage therapist at the age of 63.

Inductees into the World Massage Hall of Fame over the past decade. My Godmother is seated in the second row, far right, holding a photo of Raul from my cell phone.

Inductees into the World Massage Hall of Fame over the past decade. My Godmother is seated in the second row, far right, holding a photo of Raul from my cell phone.

Madrina and me at the World Massage Festival

Madrina and me at the World Massage Festival

Mackinaw Island

On Friday we will drive to Mackinaw Island in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There my Godmother’s cousin Terri will be joining us for a few days. I can’t wait to meet her!


My Madrina and Terri in February 2015, standing under a photo of my Godfather, Raul.

My Madrina and Terri in February 2015, standing under a photo of my Godfather, Raul.

Stay tuned for an update on our feline traveling companion, Pepe le Mew.  (Hint: I may not be the only one wearing knee socks this summer.)

Pepe holding Mommy's hand--

Pepe holding Mommy’s hand–

To read the first post in this series, click here.

What would you like to know about our RV trip or about my Godparents’ lives as Spanish dancers and massage therapists?  How has your summer been so far?  Are you taking any road trips?

Note: I LOVE hearing from you!  Please leave comments but understand if I do not respond immediately, it may be because we have no WiFi.

We’d also love you to share this post via social media, if you’re so inclined.

29 thoughts on “Rider’s Blog: My RV Adventure with a Spanish Dancer (Part 2)

  1. Kathy, where do I even begin. Firstly, I love the photo of your madrina checking her phone and writing down her mileage.. oh and your luggage is just so colorful. Love, love. You both look amazing. Love your dress. Cannot wait for the next installment.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Sweetie! It’s good to see how your adventure is coming along! David and I definitely know how directionally challenged you are……”I swear the SuperMaxi was on the left hand side” You’re never live
    that one down. Your trip is bringing back a flood of memories from our RV road trip with Dean. Enjoy!
    It will definitely be a trip of a like time and the quality of time your spending with Madrina is priceless.
    By the way Pepe Le Mew is so cute! We miss you a lot but so glad your doing this trip!

    Love ya a bunch! Juan

    Liked by 1 person

  3. was thinking of you yesterday and wondering where, on the journey, you are. Thrilled that you are doing this and I totally understand being directionally challenged. And yet, we manage to get through life, all the while providing smiles and laughter from others. Besides, who ever said being “lost” was a bad thing? love you Miss Kathy. Have a fabulous time. Take lots of pictures and lots of notes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. More pics of the Godparent’s dancing!!!!!! 7 weeks of traveling is making me a little jealous. So the more info you share the better!!!!! It will allow me to travel vicariously!!!!


  5. I’m just impressed your nearing-ninety godmother even knows how to hold a smartphone. My poor grandmother can’t even turn on the TV these days. Gotta love her, though!

    Our summer road trip has come and gone. Nevada was nice, Utah even better. Next up: Yellowstone and the Black Hills/Badlands. But that’s 13 months away. Oh, well…gives us something to look forward to. Happy RVing! I’d like to know what it feels like to be back in the states after being an expat for a couple of years. What stands out to you the most? What are the things you miss most? Least?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is such an incredible trip! I am also lacking an “internal navigational system” and understand completely about how much energy it takes to concentrate and stay on track. Your godmother is such an inspiration to me, and absolutely defies being predictable and living according to what society says 90 should act like! What I love is that she has the stamina to take such a big trip, yes, but also the enthusiasm to do it. This is precious time, Kathy, and I’m so glad you were able to participate in a very meaningful shared experience!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Was so pleased to see this part 2 pop into my reader. What an adventure you are having and your RV home is so huge, but I can imagine it being comfortable inside. I salute your Madrina driving such a monster. I look forward to more when ever you have the time and the internet connections.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kathy, your two-part series thus far is a HOOT! Love the sense of adventure it inspires. And I have been laughing on and off about your knee sock purchase. And inquiring minds want to know–have you really had an opportunity to wear them? (I, er, haven’t worn knee socks in the Upper Peninsula, um, maybe ever. And rarely hose, come to think of it.) It will be your turn to giggle when you see what I bring to Ecuador some day. Hasn’t the weather been delightful? Too hot here yesterday–almost 90. Am so in admiration of Madrina and her spunk. And YOUR spunk. You both rock. Did you drive on US 2 through the U.P.? If you did, you were within two hours of our Little House. Hope you’re still having a blast.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Kathy, of course I know about your packing habits. I’ll never forget the photo you blogged of all your luggage as you prepared to move to Cuenca. Daunting. Anyway, what a fun trip you’re taking. Would love to meet your Madrina (btw, I once had a Madrina too!) She wasn’t my Madrina, technically but everyone called her that and she was so kind and loving. I adore the photo of Raul. He looks romantic and debonair. What kind of dance was their specialty? Keep on truckin’!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You post is electric with excitement and adventure. (So glad there’s a cat on board to keep an eye on you two). Overpack? Just being ready for anything…and of course there are no stores around in case you need something (giggles – had a friend in college that use to always say that to me as I packed for a trip.)
    Mackinaw Island – never been there but heard a lot about it. Can’t wait to see what you see. Wishing you mild pleasant weather. Take care and enjoy every minute (Whew, that Raul is a handsome one!)

    Liked by 1 person

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